Monday, September 28, 2009

Sebenarnya mau gue apa sih?

Born to fly

I feel like I'm lost with all of these stuffs I do. Wth am I doing? I'm not sure where I'm heading, not sure either to go back. What I want to do anyway? What I don't? Am I sure? No?

Hate this ambivalence =(

Seems like it'll always be like those people said, "let it flow, Pete."

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Plurk is stupid enough. And I won't tweet.

Gue abis delete account plurk gue. And I feel so 'LEGA' lol... I have always wanted to delete this trashy account since months ago, but all of those karma and nirvana factor that I've achieved had always give this unsure feeling.. Tapi akhirnya kesampaian juga. Hore!!


Sebenernya, there's nothing wrong with such "social" networking sites. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being social at all. To socialize is a good thing.

Tapi gue merasa tingkat ke'sosial'an dari sites2 social networking seperti facebook, plurk, dsb sudah mencapai taraf sampah. Trashy. Pardon my words.

I mean, what's the point of those pointless babbles? Those actually-not-important-at-all status updates, tweets, and plurks? I don't see the urge of having to know what are those people having for dinner, what they wear, where are they going to. I don't need to know your minute-by-minute activities, because actually, they're often plain and not interesting. I don't want to see anymore "Lisa just woke up", "Johnny wants to take a shower", "Kristin is confused, not sure what to do, somebody help me" -status nggantung kayak gini nih yang paling ga jelas, sampah beut dah-, "Andre is OTW to Paris", "Casey wants ice cream", etc.


Not to mention those idiotic quizzes, annoying request, and the worst nightmare of all : 4L4Y people - kaum2 terbuang,  kasta terendah dari yang terendah dari peradaban anak muda. Oh please. Gue juga ga ngerti  kenapa sebagian temen gue masih aja ada yang alay. Pingin gue remove tapi ga tega..

Emang sih, kadang-kadang ada status yang lucu, pantes buat dikomenin. Tapi penting banget gue mesti mantengin homepage facebook seharian, waiting something worthy passing by. Oh penting sekali. Toh kalo udah dikomen biasa aja toh? Paling besok-besok juga lupa.

Now I've managed how to not get addicted with those trash stuffs too much. I've deleted my plurk account because it's too time wasting and pointless, and I've been able to keep my self away from login to facebook for days.. Hehe, udah bisa menahan diri buat ga nyampah, still I don't delete it yet. Kadang-kadang facebook berguna juga sih.. dan banyak kenangan juga di sini.. hehe :p. Maybe sometimes later in the future when It really gone more trashy. And thank God I don't have twitter. Ga bakal bikin twitter deh, at least until I see the importance of having one.

Tweets, plurks and status updates were nothing more than shouts into the darkness hoping someone is listening.

Sekarang, daripada ga jelas di dunia maya, mendingan get real aja yuk! Ngerjain apa kek gitu, ngerjain PR baseband, ngerjain TA, masak2, cuci piring, les piano, les spanish, berenang, beresin kamar, belajar kuis antenna -astaga besok gue kuis makjang belom belajar T.T- socialize beneran ama temen beneran, manusia beneran.. It saves your money, time, and social life dude!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

!@#$!@#%! - nonsense

Some things currently on my mind:

  • Kuis antenna #1 saya..


Mostly kesalahan ada pada kesotoyan gue dalam mengerjakan soal, overconfidence, ketidakpahaman konsep direktivitas, lupa rumus, yah place all the blame on me..

Sayangnya, beberapa orang mendapatkan nilai cukup baik dan dengan sukses "merusak" rata-rata kelas..

Semoga di kuis-kuis berikutnya saya yang akan "merusak" rata-rata kelas.. Amin Ya Allah, dengarkan doa hambamu ini.

Masih ada 6 kali lagi leee.. harus bisa!!!!


"Buatlah bacot 3 halaman tentang macam-macam input dan output mikroprosessor, serta jelaskan fungsi RAM pada mikroprosessor"

Oh saya mahasiswa tingkat 4, di itebeh, jurusan cukup favorit, dan saya harus menerjemahkan wikipedia.. Apa esensinya? Males banget ngerjain tugas-tugas keriting kayak gini.. Dan saya baru 2 halaman, deadline 3 jam lagi.. Oh my blog, te amo lah pokoknya..

  • TA


1%? Emang gue udah ngapain aja?? Sok banget sih ngaku2 udah 1%.. Haha, Kalo udah baca2 tapi masih blank tuh boleh dibilang ada 1% ga??

Ya Tuhan, kuatkanlah saya ngerjain TA ini...

  • Temen baru


Tuhan, terima kasih karena Engkau telah mengirimkan Leno, sebagai pendamping toshi-baby saya yang saat ini sudah uzur dan sangat tidak mobile.. Kiranya Leno dan toshi-baby akan setia membantu saya dalam segala pekerjaan saya, sehingga saya bisa mencapai yang terbaik.. Amin..

  • Asisten Labdas

Ngurusin 10 orang selama 3 jam ternyata sangat capek, dan sungguh sulit untuk tidak bermuka judes dan bermurah senyum. Belom lagi baca laporan yang kayak novel, mentang-mentang halamannya ga dibatesin.. Maafkan saya adik-adik 2008, ntar nilainya enak-enak deh...

Udah ah, balik ngerjain baseband for God sake.. Ntar sore untung ada buber villagers (maaf namanya agak kampungan, emang yang dateng ntar orang2 kampung kok - that includes me)

Monday, September 7, 2009

No hablo español T.T

Speak Spanish, hot tanned skin, and I'll soon be like those sexy Latin people. LOL.

Jadi pengen les deh.. Kapan yaaa?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson

A sweet goodbye, I love this song...

Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye

Even with our fists held high
It never would've worked out right
We were never meant for do or die
I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hold you, now I can't stop
I want you to know that it doesn't matter
Where we take this road someone's gotta go
And I want you to know you couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on so I'm already gone
Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you want to cry
Started with a perfect kiss then we could feel the poison set in
Perfect couldn't keep this love alive
You know that I love you so, I love you enough to let you go
I want you to know that it doesn't matter
Where we take this road someone's gotta go
And I want you to know you couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on so I'm already gone
I'm already gone, already gone
You can't make it feel right when you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone, already gone
There's no moving on so I'm already gone
