Tuesday, October 19, 2010

“Titian Karir Terpadu ITB 2010”

Let’s start some babbles…

Bridging the Academic and Industrial World Through ITB Career Expo 2010

by Peter Tobing

The ITB Career Expo 2010 held in Sasana Budaya Ganesha, Bandung from October 15th to 17th is one of the biggest job exhibition in Indonesia. The hype of the exhibition brings thousands of fresh university graduates and jobseekers from all over the country to gather in this annual event.

Nur (21), a fresh graduate in electrical engineering from ITB says that she is very excited with the expo as she finally could try her luck in pursuing her dream job in a multinational company. As with Nur, many other participants are very grateful for PCAD ITB for successfully collaborating with the companies and for hosting the event. “I am thankful for this career expo. This means a lot for me and my friends here. We’re just graduated from college and this kind of event acts as a bridge between the academic and the industrial world. It really helps me looking for a job easily. I hope I can start my career path soon within one of the companies in here”, says Irvan (22), one of the participant that feels glad he can attend and get involved in the Career Expo vibe.

This year’s Career Expo showcases more than 50 top companies profile in Indonesia. Most of them are engineering based company, ranging from oil & gas, mining, plantation, telecommunications, IT , banking, manufacturing industries, media, and consulting industries. Each company showcases their company profile and announces available job vacancies in their booth, with a cv drop box for easy job application. Jobseeker may directly submit their résumé to the box or via online application.

Company X, one of the top oil & gas company has been the top favorited company for years. As with preceding years, the queuing line in X’s stand has never been short. Jobseekers & university graduates seem to show high interest in working in the company. “The salary here is the highest paid from all other companies they say. And with so many jobseekers coming nationwide, competitions are going to be tough”, tells Herman (24), while standing in line for application.

Naya, Bunz, Manto, pinjem nama lo2 pada ya buat di artikel geje ini.. hehe.. To the rest of Geng Kampung-ers yg blom dapet kerjaan (hefri, agi, gue, naya, manto, bunz), mudah2an cepet dapet, & semoga kita bisa jadi berkah dimanapun kita nanti bekerja.. Amin.

Finding a Job

I’ve made a final decision that instead of continuing my study to a master degree, I am going to find a job first. Period. Sure it’s nice to have an even higher degree, a Master degree overseas, what kind of typical Indonesian student doesn’t want it? But I’ve come into a comfort settlement to not rushing into the – what I can think about it at the moment – unclear state of being prestigious by extending your last name with embel2 MT or MBA.

*righttt… I just haven’t found yet the true meaning of obtaining a master degree other than getting a slightly higher job position with a slightly higher paycheck. And, to be honest, I am somewhat quite tired of another years of study. 16 years of study, study, and study. I want to do something else! At least, that’s all I can think about it right now. What is the true meaning of a master degree anyway? I hope I’ll find it out someday*

This October, right before my graduation, there is this ITB Job Fair, held for 3 days. I of course don’t want to waste my chances of getting a job. So I printed like 10 résumés and was spamming like every company’s booth back there. LOL. I Look like a desperate jobseeker. A bad one.

Among all of the companies I applied to – most of them are technology based  companies – I nyelenehly applied to an unpredictable position at a company which seems totally unrelated with my background degree: A reporter for a local English newspaper. Why nyeleneh? Because most people would think why would an engineer, from a so-called top university, with a not too bad GPA, and some good technical experience get into journalistic world? What about those crazy 4 hard-working years?

Ah.. Screw you people. I can do anything I want. Who knows what future holds? Besides, those job applications are still on process, I don’t know which will be the one.
