Holla!! It's 1st January of 2009!! Happy 2009 everybody!
Actually, writing the number "2009" here is kinda freaking me out. Why? Because this means, next year is 2010! And I'm supposed to be graduated from this lovely college next year. Lord Jesus... Bless me..
Anyway, another new year, another resolutions made.. Ah, resolutions, it's such a very great commitment to make your life a little bit meaningful , that is, if only we can just keep those resolutions.
So what's the point of making unrealistic resolutions if at the end of the year we just can't keep our words and promises? Well, everybody loves dreaming, wishing for something better, right? So why don't we make another resolutions list this year? Yep, make yourself a drop down list of cool resolutions ppl! And here are some of my new year's resolutions list (just a sneak peek, I wouldn't write them all down here duh!)..
- Spend more time with God. Oh Heaven, have mercy on me... (What's this? "bad boy gone good"?)
- Be a nice person. Everyday. That includes: less offensive rude words; giving people a very warm personality; no more fake praising, praising should be from the very bottom of my heart- as if..; minimize cynical mean look; and so on.. (Again, this one is feasible, yet hard to do)
- Concentrate on my study. Gosh, what was I doing in the whole last year?
- ... and lot's more. Well, many of them are umm.. personal, hahaha..
Despite the lame new year's eve party with my mom's family -that is I'm staying in my room, on my bed, in front of the TV, watching 30 rock marathon all day long, while all the elder, uncles and aunties were having those lame sweet talk conversation thingy, and the little cousins were gone crazy, running everywhere in the house, making hideous screams and laughs, and often bouncing on my bed like they thing it was a trampoline or something- The barbeque was great actually. Yeah, I just love barbeque. But still, I miss those midnight praying times with my family (yeah, we always did that thing, in Batak culture we call it martangiang - literally means praying, so that God would hear our plea. Making introspection to ourselves for bad things we did in a whole year, and make a new bright commitment for the next year).
Another major thing I already made on this very first day of the year was... changing my pencil case !! It is made from nylon or something, an it has this fishing net texture, you know, like the one they use for fishing (LOL), or like the one they use for sewing or knitting stuff. Actually, only the color changes, from shinny cheerful banana yellow - well, it's a little bit ewwey gooey slimy green now, due to some spills and aging, look at the picture, haha- To sizzling hot chili red,my favorite color! Heheh, I came across this unbelievably similar thing a few days ago. Don't know, are they siblings or something?

Anyway, I keep the purple hard rock pin and the Empire State New York key chain with my name written on it. The contains are all the same. Hope this new flaming thing will bring many good luck this year! Yeah right :p
Once again, Happy New Year 2009! Hope this one is another good year :)