My friend asked me once, "you snob, why do you write almost everything in English? Aren't you proud of your own mother tongue?"
I answer him, "Dude it's simple matter. I don't write my post in English just to brag about my linguistic skill. It just that I'm not able to do some cool conversations in English with my average-everyday friends, just like I used to to do when I was in high school - yea rite. So I came up with the idea of writing. If talking is limited, then some little notes will do."
So I did. And now - as access to those American pop culture is extremely limited (GOD,, I'm IN FUCKING LOVE WITH THESE COLLEGE CHORES) - I'm enjoying these trashy writing.
Translation ngasal (in slang Bahasa Indonesia):
Temen gw pernah nanya, "Coy, blagu banget sih lo nulis2 pake bahasa Inggris? Emang lu ga bangga sama bahasa ibu lo?"
Trus gw bales, "Njink, bukan sombong bukan congkak ya. Tapi dengan kondisi lingkungan n temen2 gw yg biasa-biasa aja, bahkan cenderung kampungan ini *eh ga ding, kalian O.K kok! Sumpah! ;)), kayaknya ga terlalu memungkinkan untuk ngomong bahasa Inggris yg rada high level gitu deh.. Yaudah, daripada ntar bahasa Inggris gw ilang sama sekali karena makin jarang ngomong, mending gw nulis2 aja sendiri."
Dan jreng3x, sekarang - saking ga sempetnya menikmati tontonan2 luar (yaiyalah, kan sibuk gituloh) - akhirnya gw menikmati menulis tulisan2 sampah ini.
ngasal banget c pete...
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