Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Nickelback - Far Away

Monday, October 27, 2008

I miss those times when uli, baby, and i went crazy, doing silly things, make fun of stuffs, singing crazy made-up song, laughing hysterically for IDIOTIC reasons, untill mom actually got to yell at us to cut it out. I miss u siss..
I miss mom's spaghetti.. I remember it well, everytime i was sick, i asked mom to make spaghetti for dinner. And at that very afternoon, she went down to town to shop for some ingredients.
I miss my piano!!! I miss those times when i used to play it.. Christofori, how are you? I miss attending piano courses. Monday & Thursday, 4-to-5 pm, with Mr. Ubay - great teacher.
I miss my dad when he gave me extra money everytime i asked him, "pa minta duit jajan dong :p.."
I miss that old computer in my home. Where i played nothing other than The Sims and pokemon saphire.
I miss those days when i can play DanceDanceRevolution all day long...
I miss sitting all day, being lazy, on that old couch, where i did nothing but watching cable tv all day long...
I miss my complete collections of detective conan, dragon ball, "lima sekawan" (five), little house series, St. Claire, and lots more.. Are they still there? Or did mom already throw them away?
I miss perfect10 98.7fm, power98, class95, symphony92!! Why isn't there any english radio stations here huh?
I miss "bak-kut-teh", "mie pok", "sup ikan", "gong-gong", "rejeki", "teh obeng", and those other local dishes..
I miss those chinesse people who speak hokkian... And I miss that malay dialect.. Weird, i used to hate it XD LOL!!
I miss Turi Beach n Resort!
I miss... Those memories...
And i miss lots of other things i can't tell here that they could eventually bring tears to my eyes..
I miss my family!! can't believe I could ever miss u guys this bad~
o my god, i almost burst into tears right now
Lethal Week

Saturday, October 25, 2008
what's your accent?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Shit happens baby..
And then the song changed, to the 4th single on that album, Because of You.. This song..
Shit.. i can't believe im telling you guys this, but i must confess, those days were sucks!! Yep.. there were this period in my life:
where times were totally hard, everything was shit. And you felt like you were the unluckiest person in the world. You didn't know what's really happening on you. You just weren't sure what the reason was. And in every moment you were like being desperate. Problems countered. But you don't know exactly what those "problems" were. Felt like want to cry, although you didn't sure what were the causes. Being sad all the time. Faking a smile, tried to look tough. And the saddest part of all is you were like having nobody to talk to. Alone. Felt like your parents didn't even care, and no friends can't understand you. Your home were like hell. School were worse. You prayed to God for His help, but just didn't get the answer. Alone, completely lonely.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Bitch Inside

Monday, October 20, 2008
Destructive Comment
4. Oftenlly give destructive comment Giving the employees too many harsh critiques. Oftenly destructive, unimportant, and sometimes it has no point other than to make other people mentally down...

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Wanna know the real you?

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Me Vs Cynicism
Gue: "Ma, apa sih yang ga lo suka dari gue?" Ilma: [bingung bentar. Kenape nih si peter tiba2 ngomong beginian. Tapi ga nyampe berapa detik langsung ngomong:] "BANYAK PIT!!" Gue: [agak down denger jawaban itu. menyesal telah bertanya. Tapi tetep pingin lanjut] "Haaa.. apaan ma?" Ilma: "Banyak! Gue tuh ga suka lu waktu lagi 'over' " Gue: "Over? over apaan?"
[gue juga lupa "over" apaan. tapi intinya kalo ga salah kayak gini]
*mukanya kira-kira kayak stepmom-nya cinderella gini deh. Sebenernya jauh lebih pas kalo ngambil contoh dari sinetron.. contohnya "tangisan anak tiri", dll*
Ilma: "HAHAHA!! IYA! IYA! Tuh kayak gitu!!!" Gue: "..." Ilma: " Dari gesture tubuh lu juga keliatan banget! Apalagi nada bicara lu. SINIS ABIS!!!" Gue: [meresapi sebentar kata-katanya] "Abis gimana dong ma? Kan gue mungkin emang rada sebel sama tuh orang..." "Mo pura-pura baik juga.. gue ga jago..." Ilma: "Ya jangan pura-pura baik juga!!! KELIATAN BANGET BOONGNYA!!! Lu tu ga banget memaksakan senyum! hhh" Gue: "yaah.. gue kan berusaha sebagus mungkin faking it.." Ilma: "Ya ga usah maksa piiit.. Biasa aja."
Yah itulah intinya teman-teman... Dari conversation itu, gue jadi lebih mikir, ternyata kalo gue lagi ga suka sama orang keliatan banget ya?
Gue juga mikir, penggunaan kata-kata gue juga sering banget terlalu frontal buat seseorang. Kadang bisa nyakitin hati banget. Ternyata lidah lebih tajem dari pisau..
Dan itu ga hanya nyakitin satu orang saja. Mungkin aja orang lain disekitar gue yang ada saat itu juga bakal mikir, "Heee?? Apa-apaan sih si peter ini? Ga banget.."
[i mean it]
God what have I done??
Sebegitu menyebalkankah gue? Sumpah.. Gue serasa tersentuh abis ngobrol bareng Ilma tadi. It was like God's way of saying, "You see, pete? That's how annoying you are now. Change it."
Ok. Mulai sekarang gue akan berusaha bersikap baik; ramah (not the fake one); dan kalo lagi sebel sama orang, I'll try to act 'biasa-biasa' aja. Play it cool ;) I promise!
Sebel sama seseorang mungkin emang ga bisa kita hindari. But no matter how annoying that person is, just play it cool. If that person goes annoying even more, consult with your friends. They'll always help.
Monday, October 13, 2008
A song for you, 'being in love'-ers...
Lu pingin tau kegiatan dia sehari-hari apa.. Seperti apa temen-temennya..

Yep, music is the best for every situations buat gue.. Pasti selalu ada lagu yang setema sama perasaaan kita..
Hahaha... buat kalian yang lagi punya crush sama seseorang.. good luck yah!! ;) Terserah lu mau give it a try, ato dipendam aja dalem hati sampe perasaan itu hilang sendiri,ato sampe ketemu gebetan baru.. :p
Too bad for the takens, ga bisa seenaknya crush2 sana sini...
Monday, October 6, 2008
Old school yearbook!

Koq sekarang gue ngerasa cakepan ya? Haha.. why don't u try to make your own foto jadul, then show them to me!
Multicultural me...

- american (got these mostly from TV haha, cool vocabs and slang phrases)
- chinesse culture (sd-smp gue di batam yang banyak cinanya, and gue jadi bisa dikit2 bahasa hokkian yea rite),
- african-american (yo shorty, wassup? damn ye got ma bitch ya'll kno wad im sayin'? haha, whatever)
- Dari agama: yah, yang tadi itu. Besides, di Indonesia agamanya ada 5. Cool huh?
and lots culture influences from indonesia's heritage itself:
- Batak (it's in my blood, duh!) Well, i don't know exactly all A-to-Z from batak people, but i sure know some things :) Bangga jadi orang batak! haha
- Jawa (hmm... apa ya? sodara gue ada sih yang jawa, temen gue juga banyak yang jewes. It's just like for me, kebudayaan jawa is strongly connected to many aspect of many indonesian people, such as: masakan jawa, nama-nama orang indonesia juga kebanyakan ke"jawa-jawa"an meskipun bukan orang jawa. Contoh: budi hartono, sulastri, mimin, maman, momon, dsb)
- Padang (Hmm.. mungkin karena nantulang gue banyak yang padang, n temen2 juga banyak yang padang kali ya? Jadinya rada2 tau deh kultur orang padang. And moreover, masakan padang!! It's like a trademark of Indonesian's cuisine haha)
- Hmm.. apalagi ya?? Yah banyaklah, kayaknya gue tau hampir semua ciri khas semua suku di indonesia. Mmm.. bugis people, bahasa belitong, bahasa melayu, masakan menado, madura, tari bali, nyinden2an, manortor, haha banyak lah.. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika! yea rite...
yah, multikultural banget hidup kita ini ya? beda-beda, jadi asik.. Kalo sama semua, apalagi kalo dominan semua.. ngg... kayaknya monoton deh. ga asik ah.. Hoho