I've been thinking about myself lately *cuihh..
Somedays ago i found this article, it was titled "20 mistakes a manager shouldn't do" or something like that. Trus gue baca point no.4...
4. Oftenlly give destructive comment Giving the employees too many harsh critiques. Oftenly destructive, unimportant, and sometimes it has no point other than to make other people mentally down...
Wooow... Another "ouch!!" for me. Jujur, [dulu, belom lama ini ding :p] gue sering banget ngeluarin komentar2 buat temen2, family, or siapa aja, yang sebenernya ga penting dan ga perlu gue keluarin. Contoh:
"Eww! What's with the outfit?"
(with my face expression depicting that's-totally-disgusting look)
"Bisa cepetan ga? Gue ga punya banyak waktu sama kalian nih~"
(usually with a satirical sneer)
"Oh, jadi ini kerjaan lu? Hmm.. lemme see..."
(dengan nada meremehkan)
Maybe some people think those comment are "moderate enough" or even "cool". Tapi ga jarang juga yang sampe sakit hati. Guys, I'm so sorry!!!
...O my god, I was such a jerk!...
I don't know if my other friends think those comment are "moderate", or even "cool", i don't even care. But seriously, gue ngerasa nyesel banget sesaat abis ngeluarin komen2 yang ga penting itu (i mean it). Beneran ga bisa dikontrol banget ya mulut gue?
Well, jujur aja, i said those things for reason. Mungkin karena emang tuh objek bikin gatel, guenya gatel pengen ngomentarin, momennya pas aja, ato emang gue lagi in bad mood mungkin?
But just after i said those rude words. I felt terribly guilty. Shit! Coba gue diem aja!
Thankfully, sekarang gue udah lumayan bisa mikir apa yang mo diomongin dulu. Bisa nyaring apa yang mau dikeluarin. Istilah anak elektro "Low Pass Filter" *what the?
Thanks to "one day of enlightenment" (vomitting)
Guys, jangan di contoh ya? I don't want anybody become (the old, bad, sarcastic) me...

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