And today i got a class at 7.30 am (it's suppossed to be at 7am). Yep, 7 fucking A.M. We have 7 am class in here ppl. And it's extremely torturing... 7 AM CLASS KILLS ME..When i finally came to the class, my lecturer, Mr. Monang - for the thousandth times in this semester - didn't show up. And i felt a little bit thankful for that, because i could still do some of my unfinished lab-assignments (by term "doing" actually means "last desperate attempt to finish your work by COPYING other's assignment" :p) - for the deadline is 9 am. So i QUICKLY finished those assignments. Geez what a rush..
The pressure didn't stop there people. I actually had a midtest held at 9 am. And my preparation WERE NOT ENOUGH. Believe me, i only got the chance to study for the test last night. I studied as hard as i could that night. I did a quick review on lectures notes and handouts. I tried so hard to keep stay up all night. And i did. I somehow managed to stay up (very very sleepy) till 4 am. It was SO HARD, i was so tired, sleepy, big yawns everytime, i wanted to go to sleep so bad :(
The 9 a.m test was S-U-C-K. I think i only got 2 answers right out of 4 questions. For god sake, i didn't have any idea about question number 3 & 4. I was thinking, "What the hell is this?"... So being in such a desperate situation and EXTREMELY TIRED, i couldn't think of any good answer, i finally decided to make up some (smart) answers :p. Better than to left those spaces blank i think. Anyway, i actually answered almost every question. Although i'm pretty sure my made-up answers for number 3 & 4 are totally wrong. :(
And HELL didn't stop there. I got ANOTHER midtest *yes, another..* at 1 p.m folks for goodness sake. And this was even worse. I didn't study for the test at all. What should i do? Being in such a panic, thank God i met my friends who were about to have this same test as i did. They sure helped me a lot. Thanks ppl. I studied for the test in less than 45 minutes. Haha the test was actually our homework last week. YIPPEY!! I just discussed it with my friends moments before the tests, so i surely still remembered the answers well enough. And we were allowed to open our books and notes! Huff.. What a relief.
But one hour of non-stop handwriting was such a PAIN!!! My left hand is still a little bit stiff right now :(
After the test i went home. And now i'm feeling so exhausted. I haven't sleep yet, really really tired. It's like you break into pieces guys. There's no passion at all shown on my face right now. I look like shit when i'm so tired like this. My eyes are so tired. They haven't took a rest at all. I'm so worry that my dark circles are getting worse. My left hand is still in pain because i had been writing things all day long :(. Whish i could use my right hand for writing...I could really use a reflexology therapy right now.
This isn't over yet guys, more tortures are coming this week. Today was just the beginning. Starting from tomorrow night, i'll be working on 4-days stream of goddamn laboratory reports: One of the most PAINFUL & TIRING work i've ever face in college life.. *yea rite..such a drama queen Hahaha.. I think i'll just deal with it. I can handle it. I'll rock it. There's nothing else i can do but to face it. Besides,
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