Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Hoho.. This is my first post this week.. I was being so busy in past few days. No chance for blogging. And now I'm posting 3 topics at once. All of them are last week headlines. A bit out of date actually. Well, now's payback time!! Obama.. O-what?? Ooow, Obama.. Oh-i-don't-even-really-care :p As the whole world knows, US got their new man of the white house, Mr. Barky O-baby.. *did i spelled that right?? xp What I totally don't get is the fact that my people here in Indonesia really dramatize the story. Our media here totally over-publish this election thingy. I've got enough headlines from E!, Channel News Asia, CNN, Oprah, and even on MTv!! *err... wait, did MTv do it too?? And our local TV stations here, they seem like really proud of Mr.Obama, just because he spent his not-that-long-period childhood in one elementary school in Jakarta.. OMG, that's so decades ago!! I bet Obama doesn't even care about it anymore.. The TV stations, they're just either out-of-story to publish, or they're just following trends from the US.. Pathetic.

Even the poor-rated local gossip show (say, Insert!, InsertInvestigasi, Silet, etc..) aired this Obama thingy all day the day he got elected, along with pointless local celebrity gossips, such as "The 40 y.o Syekh who wants to mary a 12y.o little girl"*sick.., "Dewi Persik", "BBB", and those other desperately-looking for-attention celebrity. They're sooooo PATHETIC, becoming a somewhat urban joke and humor xD.

Poor Obama.. now he is as "popular" as those stupid celebrity-disguissed clowns just because he's on the same gossip show as them.. =))

Geez, why would we even give a damn care about him? Our country sure needs a lot more attention here, we're so pathetic in here world! Come and save us.. :p

Porn bill... Totally lame... Get real.. Why are we limitting human's natural behaviour?? Okay, I know that porn is bad *fact..., it will somewhat degrade our morality and can cause some bad effects. But what I don't really get about this stupid porn bill is it's lack of limitations, boundaries, or the definition of porn it self. Totally abstract. This stupid bill doesn't clearly define "porn".. Now people are becoming more cautious about what they should wear, what they should say and publish to the whole world, only for a stupid reason: this porn bill. Otherwise, they will ended up in jail and pay some fine.. Say, if you're a damn hot babe, with naturally nice curves :p, wearing just moderate-closed enough T-shirt and apple bottom jeans, with no means of being slutty at all, you can coincidentally make some guys ummm... let's say, "sexually aroused"??? So, is this porn? Nope, I don't think so. The girl just acts plain. She's innocent. No means of showing off some "pornographic" display. It's just the guys dirty thought. But unfortunately, according to the porn bill passage, the girl actually comitted a "pornoaction".. sigh.. More web references can be found here and here And the stupid bill also stated that "spouse kissing", "sunbathing in bikini or swimwear", "showing off sensual part of one's body that can make other people being aroused (horny)" and many others are categorized as PORN.. yea rite.. Now they banned kissing on the lips in public?? Hello!! This is 2008!! We're not living in 7th century anymore ppl!! Do you watch todays TV shows? Kissing is sooooo normal *but kids definitely need parental advisory about this.. And what about those sports ads with bikinis? What about miss universe peagant? What about swimsuit modelling? It's so funny that now bikini is mistaken as a porn material, while I think they're totally normal. Girls DO Wear bikini's right?? What if a dude wears a swimsuit? Is that porn too?? Will he be accused as showing off porn material? Who's with me? And one more thing, can we really measure how people can be sexually aroused by other thing/other people?? there's no such thing as "horny-meter"... So I think there's no logical reason to state that people can't make/show/play something that can cause other people to be sexually aroused, because the passage is definitely lack of clear definition about what's hot-that will make you horny enough- and what's not. I absolutely agree that this porn bill indeed has some good means: to protect womens right, to prevent underaged children to be involved into porn industry, and to [somehow] help directing peoples morality to be better*which i doubt it will... seriously, they want to improve our morality by this way? I agree that porn is a serious issue. But to make a ridicoulus unprepared bill passage?? lawl... Ultimately, I think this porn bill really needs to be re-considered. And I think there are lots of other big problems our nation currently dealing with. Namely education, crime, prosperity issue, health, corrupt mentality, etc.. Mr. Am-rowh-zeee, and friends.. So, they're dead. D-E-A-D. So what? They're trully pure terrorists I think.. Whose mistakenly interpret "Jihad" as a mean of "creating world peace by killing each other, innocent people".. That's soooo not Islam. Moslem people I know are so nice and kind, they're very tolerate to other non-Moslem people. My mom's family, my friends, bestfriends, many of them are Moslems. And they're way too kind.. They're being so good and nice in person compared to evil me :p.. And as far as I know, all religion views in this world actually support WORLD PEACE, don't they? So there's no acceptable reason to kill other human beings. In fact, I think it's a big hard decision for our government to execute those Mr.Terrorists. And they ended up with a final decision: to execute them. To end their lives. Difficult choice. Hmm.. I just hope that this rozie-sweetie execution thingy won't cause more innocent civil people being killed by other amrozie's follower who wants to commit revenge... That's all~ Cheers =)


Anonymous said...


Yea rite... TV-show too much exploits this o-ba-ma who had been lived in Indonesia very long year ago~ Hahaha... Kinda weirdo XD

Porn bill ya. Hihihi... You seem have own opinion too about this. Actually, education, crime, prosperity issue, health, corrupt mentality, are important homework for us. And I think porn is included. Ya..., just opinion. :D

Then amrozee. Ya, I agree, in my view-point he have to die. And hope all of the victim's family can face their fate. Hhh~... ==

Long post with dew* p**sik, 4* y.o. someone, accesories... XDXD (Sorry ya pit, I have such bad gramm ^^')

Anonymous said...

hehe, iya.
pas obama menang Indonesia norak banget.