And now i'm regreting things. Hixhix, if only i could spend more times with my books, rather than browsing this stupid internet all the time. Hoohoohoo. Internet is fun, i know, but I've spent too much time on it this whole month.
Imagine this: everyday in the morning i check my email, and there's always new messages in my inbox. From people, friends, mailing lists, notifications from STUPID social websites, and all those other stuff. And all those messages forced me to read them. Meaning, i've to log in to that stupid friendster, or that addictive (yet really time wasting) facebook.. And what did i get people?? NOTHING. Seriously, you only got whatsocalled "social networking" benefits on such sites (got new "friends" *yeah, for real*, news, friends update, informations, having a little chit-chat on messenger, etc). And i realize it's not that worthed. I have more important things to do right now. Lot's of them. And i bet, there's actually lot of things you can do right now besides reading my stupid blog.
And i do the same thing at night every night, last month. I log in to my email, check some mail, read them, browsing more sites, googling, and the cycle goes on... It goes like this everyday since last month and i just can't stop.

FYI i spend about 2-3 hours each time i browse the internet. Which means, i spend almost 6 hours everyday, in the morning & at night, doing something (almost) useless.. 42 hours a week, 168 hours a month!! That is 7 days in total! one-fourth of your entire life a month!!! CRAP THOSE NUMBERS!! I JUST REALIZE HOW MUCH TIME I ACTUALLY HAVE!!
And now i'm regretting how i've wasted my precious time this month. All day. Everyday. Sniffs.. whish i had spent my precious time more on productive thing: Studying, practicing on my music, cleaning-up my room, finishing some tasks, and lots more
Wait, does this mean that I can't go online and browsing some stuffs?? Should I be like those freakass, nerds, and weirdos, and those pathetic close-minded study-oriented people?? Nope. You don't have to be such a freak ppl...
It's absolutely allright for being lazy if you're in your leisure time. In fact, browsing this internet is really fun. I admit that. You can learn something new, you'll get cool stuff, play some games, listen to musics, read news, and thousands of other internet benefits..
But please... Use your time wisely. There's time for this, time for that.. There's always time for everything. There's always time for browsing the internet and playing computer games. And it's absolutely not at this busy time, where actually you have something else more important to do. Seriously.
Tips from me, for me:
- Browse the internet for fun and cool stuff (such as youtube, facebook, googling, reading wikipedia, reading friend's blog, downloading cool stuffs, posting something) only when you don't have classes, homework, tasks, or coming exams. Or at least, make it once a week..
- Check your email only once a day. Whether it's in the morning, or before you go to bed. Read the messages title only. If you think the message it's important, then read it, otherwise (such as notifications, spams, or other useless information), don't even try to click on it, just delete it
- Do not go online more than 30 minutes. I know it's hard to stop. But, it's worth trying, somehow it'll make a habit. Use an alarm if necessary. If you really need to go online, make it quick. Don't spend hours in front your desktop ppl.
- And other tips you make yourself, for you, adjust with your own needs :p
Hmm that's all from me. Now for you ppl, close this window (yes, all with the internet explorer) right now. Immediately.
Don't you have something more important to do right now??
Peter, you have such talent in writing~... I admit it. XDXD
You're right. Now I just open this blog after have 2 weird things, siskom and psd pract. Oh my... I need for refreshing this overclocked brain. And I realize when I open this blog, it makes me for laughing. I don't regret open your blog. That's cool stuff I guess, peter. Blog is something you need when you wanna connect yourself to another minds in this luna maya world. You do such right things. And I guess, I can't help stop to close this browser. Hwawawa... lol
Thanks for the tips. :D
hoehoeheee really?? thx.. i'm happy when people do enjoy my thoughts :p
i'll try to write more posts ppl!!
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