Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mulut saya minta dijahit

For fuck's sake, can I just keep my mouth shut? Kenapa gue sebegitu tololnya ngomong ga disaring?

shut the fuck up


bantu saya menjadi orang yang


for all those yang pernah gue sakitin lewat mulut gue, just slap me on my face: I DESERVE IT.. I know, like right now I'm the most unwanted person in the world.

I'm really sorry guys. I realize I'm no better than you. I mean it.

thx buat joice, yuris, & naya yang telah mo ngingetin gue. I promise won't do that again. For goodness sake, ini yang terakhir kalinya gue jahat.

image: courtesy of

Friday, April 17, 2009


Never thought that this would be some other hard times for me.

I'm sick. Mind, body, and soul. I'm so full of sickness that I'm getting sick of myself. I HATE ME. I hate the dark side of me.


Arrgh, kenapa gue ga bisa jadi orang baik-baik sih? Kenapa ga bisa positive thinking? Kenapa mesti marah? Kenapa belagu? Kenapa minder? Kenapa males banget? Kenapa ngerjain apa-apa ga bener? KENAPA KOK JADI MELANKOLIS KAYA GINI???? Mellow mellow najis gini?

Ciao ah, mudah2an abis ini ga mellow-mellow najong lagi. Menyedihkan.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Banyak Belajar, Banyak Lupa Juga

Iih, koq gue cepet banget lupa sama pelajaran2 semester kemaren sih? Padahal itu belum ada setahun.

Pernah mikir gitu ga? Pasti pernah la ya.. Ga usah jauh-jauh deh, ambil contoh kuliah hari ini. Lo inget ga hari ini belajar apa aja? Haha pasti ga semuanya pada inget kan?

Guys, ini nih masalah gue dan lo semua. Orang-orang seperti gue cepet banget melupakan hal-hal yang udah dipelajari. Jadi setiap ditanya mengenai hal yang lalu, lemot banget jawabnya. Contoh buat gue: gue udah rada lupa tentang sistem 3 phasa, gue lupa rumus buat dioda, lupa huffman coding, lupa gimana bikin Karnaugh map, apa itu mealy & moore?, lupa hukum gauss, apa itu "daerah kerja transistor"?, dsb..

bahkan sepertinya gue udah lupa medan I, siskom I, & pengsin :p haha ga ding...

Wajar sih kalo gue udah rada-rada lupa, soalnya di kuliah gue sekarang "lagi jarang" memakai pelajaran-pelajaran itu. Sekarang di kuliah gue lagi getol2nya make smith chart buat matching impedance, ngitung BER, belajar fiber optic, dan belajar rekayasa trafik yang waalahualam itu (*meen, apa cuma gue ya yang ngerasa kalo rektraf tuh abstrak banget?*). Nah kalo ditanya2 tentang hal2 ini sekarang, yah masih lumayan oke lah~

Iiih sedih ga sih kalo ilmu yang lo pelajari cuma berguna buat quiz, UTS, dan UAS doang? :(

Men, gue ga mau ilmu gue cuma jadi "ilmu sesaat" / "ilmu jangka pendek". Tapi mo gimana lagi? Gue kadang ngerasa bahwa sistem kuliah di sini ya begitulah.. ga terlalu terintegrasi ato apapun istilahnya itu.. jadi kitanya juga ga lihai2~ *lihai.... :D :D

Tapi, untungnya orang2 seperti gue dan teman2 (*tsaah...) dibekali kemampuan berpikir yang lebih -halah, plis deh- Jadi kalo udah lupa, tinggal review bentar, trus jago kembali :D :D :D

.. Elektro gitu~~ cepet nangkep, cepet belajar, cepet lupa juga!! haha ilmu jangan dilupain ya pete~

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The not-that-religious me speaks...

If I must say, I'm not that kind of 'religious' person. I'm full of spiritual, but definitely not [that] religious. So when this moment comes -the Good Friday & thus, Easter - I always find myself wondering, another annual routine? Lame...

But recently, I think I just got into a major change on my spiritual - religious life. Haha. Yea rite. I don't know why, but I'm feeling like I'm enjoying the progress of being so called "a better person".

Yeah, I realized that I can't be the bad guy forever. At least I got to make some return point, where I finally make a closer step to spirituality.

Despite the effort of being for-goodness-sake a better person, we are all basically just human beings, filthy human beings. We tend to do sins every time - that's our nature. And I am no excuse, for the reason that I still make some sins every single day.

But for me, trying not to do bad things in our life is more than enough. Of course, shits may happen sometimes and we can't help it.

Happy Easter fellas!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

have a very great friday everyone!!

Today was full of spiritual moments. I learnt a lot of things, and I hope it won't get off easily of my head.

Today's messages were: Don't be such bullies to everyone around you, don't loose your faith, don't give up easily on your problems, and lastly don't waste your life and soul on no good.


Dear Lord in Heaven, please help me getting stronger day by day. I know You won't leave me :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Crazy talk

My friend asked me once, "you snob, why do you write almost everything in English? Aren't you proud of your own mother tongue?"

I answer him, "Dude it's simple matter. I don't write my post in English just to brag about my linguistic skill. It just that I'm not able to do some cool conversations in English with my average-everyday friends, just like I used to to do when I was in high school - yea rite. So I came up with the idea of writing. If talking is limited, then some little notes will do."

So I did. And now - as access to those American pop culture is extremely limited (GOD,, I'm IN FUCKING LOVE WITH THESE COLLEGE CHORES) - I'm enjoying these trashy writing.

Translation ngasal (in slang Bahasa Indonesia):

Temen gw pernah nanya, "Coy, blagu banget sih lo nulis2 pake bahasa Inggris? Emang lu ga bangga sama bahasa ibu lo?"

Trus gw bales, "Njink, bukan sombong bukan congkak ya. Tapi dengan kondisi lingkungan n temen2 gw yg biasa-biasa aja, bahkan cenderung kampungan ini *eh ga ding, kalian O.K kok! Sumpah! ;)), kayaknya ga terlalu memungkinkan untuk ngomong bahasa Inggris yg rada high level gitu deh.. Yaudah, daripada ntar bahasa Inggris gw ilang sama sekali karena makin jarang ngomong, mending gw nulis2 aja sendiri."

Dan jreng3x, sekarang - saking ga sempetnya menikmati tontonan2 luar (yaiyalah, kan sibuk gituloh) - akhirnya gw menikmati menulis tulisan2 sampah ini.

ngasal banget c pete...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

... and big girls don't cry

I'm in love again with this 2008 hit :)

The song is full of emotional lyrics and the tunes are powerful. LOVE Fergie!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

[Wrong] Lusts

Not every love stories end up like Cinderella's. There are thousands of different scenarios, with unexpected twist...

 wrong lust

hix2.. she's gay :(


Or this one -  what's with the gap? wtf.. It's either she's taken, or she comes from different background - It's the most common play in this lame multicultural country- the interracial and cross religion thingy~

And I yet haven't mention the other episodes..


... where this guy is in love with me.. totally freaked out..

..I'm writing this post just to let you guys know, that people have their own love problem, we've been in a complex romance drama and there's different case for everyone. But trust me, you're not alone. There are lots of people who have faced those problems,  this similar feelings, the confusing reality, yet the happy moments :)

Love is difficult people.. And it will find its way ;)


*ps: These lame picture are, well somewhat [not that] inspired from stickgal~~ anyway i'm no copycat dude~