Friday, December 26, 2008

Veni Domine

Have heard about "Inspirational Moments 2"? It's a compilation album released by EMI records, some years ago (I think it was around late 90's, I was still a school kid back then).

I just found this long lost album when I browsed my friend's music, and coincidentally came across this thing.

Listening to these kind of "mystical" songs are somewhat mm.. "spiritual" *yearite~ And freak enough. LOL.

Anyway, I like this song, Veni Domine by Bara Basikova. It's a Latin song - cool huh? The lyrics are deep, about praise to the Lord. *Does this means that I'm a good Christian now? :p

Veni Domine - Bara Basikova


Deus meus in te confido

labia mea laudabunt te Jesu

agnus dei in te confido

audi voces te adorant, te precantes

animam meam levavi ad te

Benedictus tu coqnovisti me

te laudamus veni domine

Deus meus inte confido

defende nos ab hostibus Jesu

agnus dei in te confido

presta pacis incrementum, memento verbi

animam meam levavi ad te

Benedictus - miserere nobis

te laudamus veni domine

Deus meus in te confido

agnus dei qui tolis preccata mundi

sine te nihil est in domine

Jesu Christe, Redemptor omnium

te laudamus veni domine

And here's the English translation, credits to enbrethiliel


My God, I trust in You.

My lips will praise You, Jesus.

Lamb of God, I trust in You.

Listen, voices adore You, praying to you

I have lifted up my soul to You.

Blessed are You; You have understood me.

We praise You. Come, Lord!

My God, I trust in You.

Defend us from the enemies, Jesus.

Lamb of God, I trust in You.

Help the increase of peace. Remember Your word.

I have lifted up my soul to You.

Blessed One, have mercy on us.

We praise you. Come, Lord!

My God, I trust in You.

Lamb of God Who takes up the sins of the world.

Without You, no one is in the Lord.

Jesus Christ, Redeemer of all,

We praise you. Come, Lord!

source: lettersfromnz, enbrethiliel, ay_link

Thursday, December 25, 2008

2008 Christmas

It's Christmas people! So let me greet the world with a nice season's greetings:

Feliz Navidad, próspero año y felicidad!

(It means Merry Christmas, prosperous year and happiness!)

Actually this is the very first time for me to spend a Christmas moment without my family (mom, dad, sis, you all got my message didn't you?) Happy Christmas to you guys, and I really hope to see all of you next year -which means, a couple of weeks from now hoho-

Never mind, I actually enjoyed this year Christmas - except that homesick feeling, it's kinda tough actually :(.

I was emotionally - and spiritually - drawn when people sang that classic "Silent Night" Christmas song - with all the candles of course. First I thought it would be pretty lame, just as I always thought in those past years. I was like, oh come on, we're wasting fossil energy here~ can we just skip this song?

But that's not the case this year. I surprisingly enjoyed that private moment with God. Haha.. thank goodness, I finally got something from going to church :p

This year's Christmas message was mmm, about "Spare your time with God more often" or something like that. And believe me, I do really get the message. Seriously. Hope I can be a better person from now.

O yeah, I like that performance those vocal group in Church showed last night. The song was "My grown up Christmas list". I like the lyrics though. And the piano arrangement were good. I should give it a try sometimes. That is, next year! Hahah.

Owyeah, along with the Christmas spirit. I recently began to enjoy (again) this bond song, "Jingle Bell Rock". I was so mad about this song for a couple of days ago, and I tried to play the violin part. Hoho,, it's kinda easy actually. I love it :

The greetings today are -as usual- abundant. Especially from SMS. It's always like that when it comes to national holiday, or big even blabla... Still, I didn't get any from her.. (Huhu, like that will ever going to happen lol XD). Naah, I shouldn't expect to much about that...

Anyway, once again Merry Christmas to all of you! Send me some presents ok?? :p (babe, have you got my present??)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

"BHP: Making another huge gap between people and education?"

Why when it comes for our Government to make a major decision, controversies always emerge everywhere?

It is pathetic.

Our government doesn't place education at the first place. Although they have raised the number of educational grant, it's still not enough. We need much more than just 'small gifts'. People need a huge amount of long-term, continuous educational aid.

Unfortunately, We -here in Indonesia- have lots more problems than what our neighbors have. Our neighbors don't have to deal with famine, health issue, corruption, and lots other obstacles, difficulties that are constraining one's country to go forward.

I have met lots of people who are not as 'lucky' as me. Many of my friends on high school, junior high school, or even on elementary school, weren't lucky enough to continue their study. They ended up working instead. In fact, some of those 'unlucky' people might be way better than me, they got talent, they're pretty smart actually, and more hardworking. Unfortunately, finance is their constrain to achieve higher education.

In my view, education must be top prioritized, among others. Our government should really concern about this issue. We have to learn from other country. Consider Malaysia and some other countries. Schools are for free!

Education must be made accessible for all people (by term 'accessible', I refer to 'free' education. No more tuition fee!). At least for some generations. By doing such thing, I hope it will eventually build up such foundations, basics that are fundamental in order to escape people from poverty, taking our nation into the next level i.e. a more prosperous nation.

I say, BHP will somehow deteriorate many poor people's access to higher education: schools and educational institutions will suck up people's money to pay their operational costs, employees' wages, etc. Tuition cost will be sky rocketing! It's sad, considering only rich people will get a taste of college life, being a high-class worker, and live happily. While in the other hand, those 'unlucky' people will be more and more left behind, facing difficulties and obstacles in their attempt to get away from poverty.

Even though the government said that this BHP implementation won't affect much aspects, as we know, it is more easily said than done.

Ultimately, I personally can only hope, that this BHP-thing will came up with good impact for goodness sake.


Friday, December 12, 2008


Hehe, ini gue kutip dari milis, cool fact..

Luar biasa!!!

Pernahkah teman2 membayangkannya?


Pada waktu benda-benda angkasa ini diperbandingkan,


kita menjadi sadar betapa kecilnya bumi dan kita para penghuninya..


Jagad raya yang sangat besar


Dalam skala ini bumi kita tidak kelihatan lagi


Di sini matahari hanya sebesar debu!

Antares adalah bintang paling terang di angkasa. Jaraknya lebih dari 1000 tahun cahaya dari bumi.


Siapakah kita?

Apakah tujuan hidup kita?

Apa yang membuat hidup kita, manusia, berharga?

Masihkah kita bisa menepuk dada & berkata "inilah aku!"...??

Yah, intinya mo bilang, manusia itu tidak ada apa2nya lah dibanding alam semesta ini.



So what? Yaudah, biarin aja benda2 itu ada disana, somewhere out there. Kita sebagai manusia hendaknya menjalani hidup sebaik-baiknya. ... . Ya gitulah~

*Apa hubungannya dengan nepuk2 dada?? Hahah aneh banget sih pesannya.. Ato guenya yang kurang sensitif ya??

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Hari terakhir kuliah

Hari ini hari terakhir gue kuliah di semester 5. Cepet banget ya?
Perasaan gue, kemaren baru masuk kuliah bulan agustus, eh minggu depan udah UAS.
Trus gue bertanya-tanya, apa sih yang gue kerjain 5 bulan ini?
Coba gue inget. Hmm, yang jelas bulan2 awal kuliah kemaren (agustus-september) pikiran gue masih ngambang, masih kebawa suasana liburan.
Paling yang lumayan bikin gue sibuk adalah PAB ISO'08. Hehe yah, meskipun gue bukan pj, tapi teteup aja ikut2an sibuk.
trus, bulan september-oktober itu. Wuah, jenuh banget ah pokoknya. Dari yang bawaan kuliah nyantai, tiba2 gue diserang ama setumpuk tp + praktikum yang segambreng.. T__T
Hiks2, masih inget gue ngerjain tp JARTEL pertama kali, 20 soal, 6 halaman, tulis tangan, begadang.. Yep ppl, kehidupan praktikum udah mulay. Dan laporan2 (yang paling gue eneg) itu mesti gue kerjain. Dan itu bukan apa2, waktu akhir september (apa oktober awal ya?), gue pernah 4 praktikum seminggu. Awalnya gue ngerasa, ahh, sepertinya biasa2 aja, bisa lah~
Yah, ternyata, bener2 exhausting, 4 hari 4 malem bgadang, ngerjain laporan, bikin high quality bacot. That was the worst week ever so far.
Yah, disela2 waktu itu gue juga mesti ikut latian ISO, orkestra saya di kampus. Every night, 5-9pm. Kalo dipikir2, ngapain gue nyape2in diri ikutan begituan di tingkat 3 yah? Ditengah-tengah praktikum yang menyiksa ini. Belum lagi itu jaman2nya UTS pula. Argh, waktu itu bener2 sibuk, tepar, berat lah.
Dan ternyata, gue emang bukan manusia super. Hiks2. Gue ternyata ga sehebat orang2 itu, yang meskipun sibuk, nilainya teteup okeh. Bisa diliat dari nilai UTS gue yang biasa-biasa aja, jauh berbeda dari tingkat 2 dulu, dimana kehidupan sangat tenang, pelajaran gampang, praktikum ecek2, ISO rada nganggur, dan tentunya nilai2 UTS gue waktu itu lumayan bagus.
Sekarang semua udah selesai. No more praktikum, no more latihan ISO, konser udah selesai, ga ada lagi tepar2an.
UAS minggu depan nih pren.. Yang gue bisa lakukan hanyalah mengejar materi. Minggu depan ada PIE, medan, & RPL. Tiga-tiganya ngambang, ngertinya setengah2.
Mari bertobat, i still got few days to catch up..

Sunday, November 23, 2008

We're sick ppl

Why do I and my friends turn into nasty bullies? All team up together just to corner, intimidate, a pathetic weaker person..

Bullying? AT MY AGE? Man, we're being nasty here~

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Hoho.. This is my first post this week.. I was being so busy in past few days. No chance for blogging. And now I'm posting 3 topics at once. All of them are last week headlines. A bit out of date actually. Well, now's payback time!! Obama.. O-what?? Ooow, Obama.. Oh-i-don't-even-really-care :p As the whole world knows, US got their new man of the white house, Mr. Barky O-baby.. *did i spelled that right?? xp What I totally don't get is the fact that my people here in Indonesia really dramatize the story. Our media here totally over-publish this election thingy. I've got enough headlines from E!, Channel News Asia, CNN, Oprah, and even on MTv!! *err... wait, did MTv do it too?? And our local TV stations here, they seem like really proud of Mr.Obama, just because he spent his not-that-long-period childhood in one elementary school in Jakarta.. OMG, that's so decades ago!! I bet Obama doesn't even care about it anymore.. The TV stations, they're just either out-of-story to publish, or they're just following trends from the US.. Pathetic.

Even the poor-rated local gossip show (say, Insert!, InsertInvestigasi, Silet, etc..) aired this Obama thingy all day the day he got elected, along with pointless local celebrity gossips, such as "The 40 y.o Syekh who wants to mary a 12y.o little girl"*sick.., "Dewi Persik", "BBB", and those other desperately-looking for-attention celebrity. They're sooooo PATHETIC, becoming a somewhat urban joke and humor xD.

Poor Obama.. now he is as "popular" as those stupid celebrity-disguissed clowns just because he's on the same gossip show as them.. =))

Geez, why would we even give a damn care about him? Our country sure needs a lot more attention here, we're so pathetic in here world! Come and save us.. :p

Porn bill... Totally lame... Get real.. Why are we limitting human's natural behaviour?? Okay, I know that porn is bad *fact..., it will somewhat degrade our morality and can cause some bad effects. But what I don't really get about this stupid porn bill is it's lack of limitations, boundaries, or the definition of porn it self. Totally abstract. This stupid bill doesn't clearly define "porn".. Now people are becoming more cautious about what they should wear, what they should say and publish to the whole world, only for a stupid reason: this porn bill. Otherwise, they will ended up in jail and pay some fine.. Say, if you're a damn hot babe, with naturally nice curves :p, wearing just moderate-closed enough T-shirt and apple bottom jeans, with no means of being slutty at all, you can coincidentally make some guys ummm... let's say, "sexually aroused"??? So, is this porn? Nope, I don't think so. The girl just acts plain. She's innocent. No means of showing off some "pornographic" display. It's just the guys dirty thought. But unfortunately, according to the porn bill passage, the girl actually comitted a "pornoaction".. sigh.. More web references can be found here and here And the stupid bill also stated that "spouse kissing", "sunbathing in bikini or swimwear", "showing off sensual part of one's body that can make other people being aroused (horny)" and many others are categorized as PORN.. yea rite.. Now they banned kissing on the lips in public?? Hello!! This is 2008!! We're not living in 7th century anymore ppl!! Do you watch todays TV shows? Kissing is sooooo normal *but kids definitely need parental advisory about this.. And what about those sports ads with bikinis? What about miss universe peagant? What about swimsuit modelling? It's so funny that now bikini is mistaken as a porn material, while I think they're totally normal. Girls DO Wear bikini's right?? What if a dude wears a swimsuit? Is that porn too?? Will he be accused as showing off porn material? Who's with me? And one more thing, can we really measure how people can be sexually aroused by other thing/other people?? there's no such thing as "horny-meter"... So I think there's no logical reason to state that people can't make/show/play something that can cause other people to be sexually aroused, because the passage is definitely lack of clear definition about what's hot-that will make you horny enough- and what's not. I absolutely agree that this porn bill indeed has some good means: to protect womens right, to prevent underaged children to be involved into porn industry, and to [somehow] help directing peoples morality to be better*which i doubt it will... seriously, they want to improve our morality by this way? I agree that porn is a serious issue. But to make a ridicoulus unprepared bill passage?? lawl... Ultimately, I think this porn bill really needs to be re-considered. And I think there are lots of other big problems our nation currently dealing with. Namely education, crime, prosperity issue, health, corrupt mentality, etc.. Mr. Am-rowh-zeee, and friends.. So, they're dead. D-E-A-D. So what? They're trully pure terrorists I think.. Whose mistakenly interpret "Jihad" as a mean of "creating world peace by killing each other, innocent people".. That's soooo not Islam. Moslem people I know are so nice and kind, they're very tolerate to other non-Moslem people. My mom's family, my friends, bestfriends, many of them are Moslems. And they're way too kind.. They're being so good and nice in person compared to evil me :p.. And as far as I know, all religion views in this world actually support WORLD PEACE, don't they? So there's no acceptable reason to kill other human beings. In fact, I think it's a big hard decision for our government to execute those Mr.Terrorists. And they ended up with a final decision: to execute them. To end their lives. Difficult choice. Hmm.. I just hope that this rozie-sweetie execution thingy won't cause more innocent civil people being killed by other amrozie's follower who wants to commit revenge... That's all~ Cheers =)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Evaluasi Mid Semester

Kenapa performa gue semester ini sejauh ini jelek? Karena pelajarannya susah? Engga ah, RE & sinsis juga pelajaran yang waktu itu susah banget, tapi gue bisa ngikutin koq.. Karena dosennya ga enak? Hmm.. ga juga, sebelum ini dosen yang paling susah banget buat gue ikutin adalah dosen sinsis n probstat.. Tapi waktu itu nilai gue A koq.. *_* Karena temen-temennya "baru"? Lingkungan baru? Hmm.. Ngaruh ya? Menurut gue sama-sama asik ah. Karena praktikumnya banyak? Sepertinya ga. Semester 3 dulu gue juga dapet shock therapy PTE 1. Laporan praktikum dikumpul 24 jam setelah praktikum. Emang pertama-tama rada susah. Tapi setelah itu udah terbiasa. Sekarang? Hmm... Praktikum kemaren emang bikin hectic sih. Tapi masa karena itu? Karena suka maen game? Ga juga. Semester 3,4 dulu kyknya gue gila DDR deh xD Apa karena gue kurang fokus di kelas? ... Emang gue pernah fokus ya?:p Biasanya gue fokus ke dosen cuma tahan 5 menitan doang. Abis itu konsentrasi buyar kemana-mana. Trus balik fokus lagi for another 5 menit.. Trus ngelantur lagi.. hihohiho Setelah pemikiran mendalam, gue menemukan titik perbedaan krusial antara peter di semester 3, dengan gue di semester ini.
Gue sekarang jarang sekali baca buku kuliah. Dulu waktu semester 3, gue baca tuh buku matdis, Rossen. Tiap bab, gue kerjain banyak soal. Probstat (lupa pengarangnya ^^! ada yang inget?) juga gue lahap meski rada2 ngambang bacanya. RE tiap minggu dikasih latian ama Pak Jon tercintah, makanya bisa. TekDig gue baca tuh sampe bab minggu2 terakhir. Sedra&Smith - buku khas elektronika - juga merupakan santapan harian waktu semester 4. MJ. Roberts & Chi-Tsong Chen juga kayaknya gue bacain. Matek dapet slide pak dosen, kayaknya ngerti-ngerti aja ah..
Jadi, kesimpulannya adalah, gue emang harus baca buku-buku yang menyenangkan ini..
SisKom. Sistem Komunikasi. ga peduli gimana, nih mata kuliah mesti dibaca bukunya. Gue mesti ngerti. Dosennya ngajarnya kayak... yah... begitulah... "sulit dipahami". Tipe yang ngajar pake slide. Titik. Suaranya juga sangat perlu pake amplifier :p Belom lagi aura ngantuknya.. Beuh.. Siskom tuh kelas yang dateng-fokus 5 menit- tidur
RPL. Rekayasa Perangkat LunakHmm... Kurang ngebosenin apa coba? Pelajaran yang isinya teori+konsep.. Asik sih, dosennya juga oke koq. Tapi kenapa gue susah fokus ya? Padahal gampang euh pelajarannya
Medan... No comment. First-half of this semester bener2 totally waste of time. Dosennya, menurut saya, terlalu pintar. Terlalu sibuk. Jarang hadir di kelas. Trus kalo dikelas meng"gampang"kan segala sesuatu, dikiranya kita udah ngerti medan kayak beliau. Dan satu lagi, materi ajarannya kurang terstruktur dengan baik. Lompat sana-kemari.. Buat medan, gue beneran mesti baca iskander.
PS. Pengolahan Sinyal. Okee lah. Meski gue suka ga nangkep si ibu mo nerangin apa, tapi gue at least berusaha ngikutin kuliahnya.
Komdat. Komunikasi Data. Hmm.. Gampanglah. Teori. Pengetahuan umum mah kalo gue bilang.. Dosennya.. Yah begitulah.. Kebetulan aja namanya sama kaya my middle name :p
Rekling. Rekayasa Linkungan. Gue lumayan suka nih pelajaran, dosennya oke, ilmu yang gue dapet juga banyak dan baru. Tapi tetep aja, kenapa gue bawaannya ngantuk melulu?? Guys, help me!!
PIE. Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomika.Yah... Entah kenapa gue nganggep enteng nih pelajaran. *ih parah banget sih gue?? Tapi ilmu & teori2 yang gue dapet asik loh..
Jadi intinya, ga ada satu kuliahpun yang menurut gue, udah khatam. *what??
Bingung.. Mesti berubah..
Hiks hiks... Gue kangen "gue" yang dulu!! Gue kangen gue yang rajin!! Yang demen baca buku kuliah ampe bego *loh?. Yang bisa manage waktu dengan oke banget.
Kemanakah peter yang itu? Yang UTS MatDisnya 100? Yang UTS SinSisnya seratus? UAS MATEK 2nya CEPEK?
Apa kemampuan gue cuma sebatas itu aja?? Halah apaan sih??
Apa gue tidak sepintar temen-temen yang lain? Hmm.. Bukannya-sombong-bukannya-congkak nih ya, gue ngerasa sama pinternya kayak anak2 elektro yang lain koq. In fact, kami semua satu angkatan anak2 yang pintar *yaiyalahya..
Ga ada gunanya nyombong2in ke diri sendiri masa lalu yang tak seberapa itu pete.. Pikirin masa sekarang aja. Gimana caranya lu bisa tetep oke. Stay away from kemalasan.

medan dwonk...

Gue abis ujian MEDAN ELEKTROMAGNETIK. Electromagnetic Fields and Waves. It's pure science. It's totally physics. Dan menurut gue itu mata kuliah dasar banget. Fundamental. Dari SMA kita juga udah ngerasain lah. Cuma yang sekarang porsinya buat anak kuliah... Lepel olimpiade gitu deh.. *hahah.. iyaya?? And i just did it. I had an electromagnetic field exam today. It's like a once in a lifetime opportunity. Ga semua orang bisa ngerasain ujian medan di ITB. *halah lebay~ Dan tadi gue baru ngalamin what so called ujian medan...
Yahh... Unfortunately no honey... I screwed it. Sighs... I didn't answer all of the questions.
Emang susah ya?
Sayangnya tidak. Soalnya sebenernya gampang. Sumpah gue tau rumus hukum coloumb (yang sialnya gampang banget tapi gue ga kepikiran sama sekali) buat jawab soal nomer 1. Gue juga udah gape make hukum Ampere buat jawab soal nomer 3. Gue juga udah pernah baca penjelasan di iskander tentang gimana sampe si Maxwell ngelengkapin hukum Ampere buat jawab soal nomer 5, dan gue yakin banget dosen gue yang AGUNG itu pernah ngejelasin pake divergence (apa curl ya?) & integral or something~
Trus kenapa?
Jiper baca soal nomer 1. Keterangannya banyak banget. Abis gue gambar sketsanya.. "Oke! gue bisa nih.. Coba gue pake hukum gauss tentang medan listrik." Sret.. sret.. (nyoret2 & mikir bentar).. "Hmm... koq ga bisa yah????? Kenapa gue jadi bingung make hukum gauss begini???? Kan gue tinggal nyari muatan yang dilingkupi oleh "permukaan" ini. Trus gue tinggal integralin buat dapet medannya.. Ngg...??? Tapi ini "volume"nya berupa titik... T__T gimana dong??" ... Sumpah gue buntu banget ngerjain nomer 1a!! Akhirnya jawaban gue berhenti sebatas sketsa soal yang tak seberapa itu~
Thank God ada nomer 2.. Polarisasi gelombang. Untung banget gue ngerjain soal beginian tadi malem. Jadi bisa.. -_-
Nomer 3... Hmm... "Arus listrik terdistribusi dalam koordinat silinder dengan sumbu Z sebagai sumbu sbb:
I = 3A az r= 0cm,
K = 5 A/cm az r=2cm*@_@ apa ini??? apaan yang satuannya Ampere/panjang?? Help!!
J= 1 A/cm2 az 4
a. Gambarkan garis-garis medan magnet!
b&c. H(r) & gambar grafiknya!"
Kalo mo ngitung fluks magnet yang dihasilkan dari kawat biasanya pake hukum Ampere. Oke gue coba kerjain. Tapi apaan nih "K"???? Emang ada ya?? *cemas* Yasudahlah.. gue ngarang dong. Ngitung arusnya pake K x r... Sungguh desperado T_T
No 4. Tentang polarisasi gelombang lagi. Yuk mari kerjain..
Ntah kenapa gue tiba2 lupa rumus buat ngitung kecepatan fasa. Anjring.... "apaan ya? kayaknya omega/beta deh.. Yah, percaya ama feeling gue aja deh."
Hitung medan magnetik! Siipppp!
Gambar sketsa gelombang... Hmm.. Begini dong.. Sret.. sret *jadilah gelombang 3 dimensi elliptical yang entah kenapa untuk alesan yang norak gue bangga banget ngegambarnya..
No 5. Tunjukkan bahwa persamaan Ampere tidak memenuhi hukum kekekalan muatan.....
sapiii.... gue pernah baca nih, c dosen juga kayak pernah nyindir2 ginian di kelas. Ntar deh gue balik lagi
No 6. Polarisasi gelombang lagi..
Aduh ntar aja deh gue kerjain yang lain dulu,
No 7. Oooh sapii... poinnya ada 4!!! 7a,b,c,d... :(
a. Hukum Maxwell bentuk integral dan diferensial, dan arti fisisnya. Cil~ soal standar.. Yuk jawab ;P
Ternyata PANJANG bo!!! ada lebih dari 1 halaman dong jawaban gue!!
pegel :(
b. Apa yang dimaksud dengan medan?? Contoh medan?
c. Ada berapa macam bacot? eh salah, ada berapa macam medan berdasarkan bentuk dan sumbernya??
another not-that-smart "bacot" i did... Ngarang total!
d. Gravitasi n tornado. Apa itu medan? Oh iya dong! Yuk bacot lagi bikin alesan n rumus matematisnya..
No8. Yah, something tentang kombinasi hukum maxwell bentuk diferensial buat medan magnetik, hukum ampere, curl, blabla... HAJAR!!!
yang nomer c gue ga ngerti sama sekali maksud nih soal apaan.. Kalimatnya ga terlalu jelas menurut gue. Ambigu. Kurang detail. yasudahlahya.. lewatin aja dulu.
Jadi gue belom jawab nomer 1a&b, nomer 5 & nomer 6, 3 masih rada ngasal, 4 masih belom inget rumus kecepatan fasa.. shittitaloo...
Panik. Masa ga ada yang gue yakin nih jawabannya? 8 nomer? T__T
Ngeliat kiri-kanan. Oh, orang2 tampangnya udah autis semua, ga cuma gue doang. hihihi...
Yah udahlah, akhirnya gue bolak balik ngejawab soal yang masih bolong-bolong, sebisa mungkin gue ngasih smart guess gue, yang mudah2an bener... :p
Waktunya kurang. Soalnya kebanyakan. Analisisnya perlu waktu lama. Caranya terlalu ribet. 120 menit buat 8 soal menurut gue sangat kurang guys. Itu artinya satu soal 15 menit doang! Belum lagi waktu buat nulis nama&NIM, ngerobek kertas, ngapus2in pake tipex, tanda-tangan absen *yea right, corat-coret.. waaa.. Padahal biasanya gue ngerjain soal tuh rata2 20-30 menit! Baca soal+ngerti maksud soal+analisis soal aja gue bisa nyampe 10 menit sendiri! Berarti gue cuma bisa ngerjain integral & turunan2 yang rumit itu dalam waktu 5 menit doang?? :(
Mo komplain n nyesel ga guna pit.. udah selesai...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Time's Up!

One full torturing week didn't stop there. This week is going to be WORSE. I'll have 3 *yes, that's 3* exams this week. And i completely HAVE NO IDEA about the subject at all. Geez, what've i been doing the whole time?? Now i'm working pretty hard to catch up with my friends, they seem like already understand everything..
And now i'm regreting things. Hixhix, if only i could spend more times with my books, rather than browsing this stupid internet all the time. Hoohoohoo. Internet is fun, i know, but I've spent too much time on it this whole month.
Imagine this: everyday in the morning i check my email, and there's always new messages in my inbox. From people, friends, mailing lists, notifications from STUPID social websites, and all those other stuff. And all those messages forced me to read them. Meaning, i've to log in to that stupid friendster, or that addictive (yet really time wasting) facebook.. And what did i get people?? NOTHING. Seriously, you only got whatsocalled "social networking" benefits on such sites (got new "friends" *yeah, for real*, news, friends update, informations, having a little chit-chat on messenger, etc). And i realize it's not that worthed. I have more important things to do right now. Lot's of them. And i bet, there's actually lot of things you can do right now besides reading my stupid blog.
And i do the same thing at night every night, last month. I log in to my email, check some mail, read them, browsing more sites, googling, and the cycle goes on... It goes like this everyday since last month and i just can't stop.
FYI i spend about 2-3 hours each time i browse the internet. Which means, i spend almost 6 hours everyday, in the morning & at night, doing something (almost) useless.. 42 hours a week, 168 hours a month!! That is 7 days in total! one-fourth of your entire life a month!!! CRAP THOSE NUMBERS!! I JUST REALIZE HOW MUCH TIME I ACTUALLY HAVE!!
And now i'm regretting how i've wasted my precious time this month. All day. Everyday. Sniffs.. whish i had spent my precious time more on productive thing: Studying, practicing on my music, cleaning-up my room, finishing some tasks, and lots more
Wait, does this mean that I can't go online and browsing some stuffs?? Should I be like those freakass, nerds, and weirdos, and those pathetic close-minded study-oriented people?? Nope. You don't have to be such a freak ppl...
It's absolutely allright for being lazy if you're in your leisure time. In fact, browsing this internet is really fun. I admit that. You can learn something new, you'll get cool stuff, play some games, listen to musics, read news, and thousands of other internet benefits..
But please... Use your time wisely. There's time for this, time for that.. There's always time for everything. There's always time for browsing the internet and playing computer games. And it's absolutely not at this busy time, where actually you have something else more important to do. Seriously.
Tips from me, for me:
  • Browse the internet for fun and cool stuff (such as youtube, facebook, googling, reading wikipedia, reading friend's blog, downloading cool stuffs, posting something) only when you don't have classes, homework, tasks, or coming exams. Or at least, make it once a week..
  • Check your email only once a day. Whether it's in the morning, or before you go to bed. Read the messages title only. If you think the message it's important, then read it, otherwise (such as notifications, spams, or other useless information), don't even try to click on it, just delete it
  • Do not go online more than 30 minutes. I know it's hard to stop. But, it's worth trying, somehow it'll make a habit. Use an alarm if necessary. If you really need to go online, make it quick. Don't spend hours in front your desktop ppl.
  • And other tips you make yourself, for you, adjust with your own needs :p

Hmm that's all from me. Now for you ppl, close this window (yes, all with the internet explorer) right now. Immediately.

    Don't you have something more important to do right now??

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nickelback - Far Away

Ugh.. how i miss this song Nickelback - Far Away, 2005 This time, This place Misused, Mistakes Too long, Too late Who was I to make you wait Just one chance Just one breath Just in case there's just one left' Cause you know, That I love you I have loved you all along And I miss you Been far away for far too long I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore
On my knees, I'll ask Last chance for one last dance 'Cause with you, I'd withstand All of hell to hold your hand I'd give it all I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up 'Cause you know, So far away Been far away for far too long But you know I wanted you to stay ' Cause I needed to hear you say That I love you I have loved you all along And I forgive you For being away for far too long So keep breathing' Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it Hold on to me and, never let me go
And here's the clip to freshen up some memories...

Monday, October 27, 2008


Hix2.. Why in such a sudden i feel so homesick, ppl?

I miss those times when uli, baby, and i went crazy, doing silly things, make fun of stuffs, singing crazy made-up song, laughing hysterically for IDIOTIC reasons, untill mom actually got to yell at us to cut it out. I miss u siss..

I miss mom's spaghetti.. I remember it well, everytime i was sick, i asked mom to make spaghetti for dinner. And at that very afternoon, she went down to town to shop for some ingredients.

I miss my piano!!! I miss those times when i used to play it.. Christofori, how are you? I miss attending piano courses. Monday & Thursday, 4-to-5 pm, with Mr. Ubay - great teacher.

I miss my dad when he gave me extra money everytime i asked him, "pa minta duit jajan dong :p.."

I miss that old computer in my home. Where i played nothing other than The Sims and pokemon saphire.

I miss those days when i can play DanceDanceRevolution all day long...

I miss sitting all day, being lazy, on that old couch, where i did nothing but watching cable tv all day long...

I miss my complete collections of detective conan, dragon ball, "lima sekawan" (five), little house series, St. Claire, and lots more.. Are they still there? Or did mom already throw them away?

I miss perfect10 98.7fm, power98, class95, symphony92!! Why isn't there any english radio stations here huh?

I miss "bak-kut-teh", "mie pok", "sup ikan", "gong-gong", "rejeki", "teh obeng", and those other local dishes..

I miss those chinesse people who speak hokkian... And I miss that malay dialect.. Weird, i used to hate it XD LOL!!

I miss Turi Beach n Resort!

I miss... Those memories...

And i miss lots of other things i can't tell here that they could eventually bring tears to my eyes..

I miss my family!! can't believe I could ever miss u guys this bad~

o my god, i almost burst into tears right now

Lethal Week

I just got back from campus and i'm so fucking tired right now. Today was a very tiring day. I haven't sleep yet since last night... (hmm... does "went to bed at 4 and got up at 4.30am" count as a sleep?). This is because last night i was working on 6-sets-of-laboratory-pre-assignments thingy and it took DAYS to finish. I actually had been working on it from saturday, but i often got stuck, so it really took a lot of time and i was doing it all sunday night long. Really really STRESSFUL..
And today i got a class at 7.30 am (it's suppossed to be at 7am). Yep, 7 fucking A.M. We have 7 am class in here ppl. And it's extremely torturing... 7 AM CLASS KILLS ME..When i finally came to the class, my lecturer, Mr. Monang - for the thousandth times in this semester - didn't show up. And i felt a little bit thankful for that, because i could still do some of my unfinished lab-assignments (by term "doing" actually means "last desperate attempt to finish your work by COPYING other's assignment" :p) - for the deadline is 9 am. So i QUICKLY finished those assignments. Geez what a rush..
The pressure didn't stop there people. I actually had a midtest held at 9 am. And my preparation WERE NOT ENOUGH. Believe me, i only got the chance to study for the test last night. I studied as hard as i could that night. I did a quick review on lectures notes and handouts. I tried so hard to keep stay up all night. And i did. I somehow managed to stay up (very very sleepy) till 4 am. It was SO HARD, i was so tired, sleepy, big yawns everytime, i wanted to go to sleep so bad :(
The 9 a.m test was S-U-C-K. I think i only got 2 answers right out of 4 questions. For god sake, i didn't have any idea about question number 3 & 4. I was thinking, "What the hell is this?"... So being in such a desperate situation and EXTREMELY TIRED, i couldn't think of any good answer, i finally decided to make up some (smart) answers :p. Better than to left those spaces blank i think. Anyway, i actually answered almost every question. Although i'm pretty sure my made-up answers for number 3 & 4 are totally wrong. :(
And HELL didn't stop there. I got ANOTHER midtest *yes, another..* at 1 p.m folks for goodness sake. And this was even worse. I didn't study for the test at all. What should i do? Being in such a panic, thank God i met my friends who were about to have this same test as i did. They sure helped me a lot. Thanks ppl. I studied for the test in less than 45 minutes. Haha the test was actually our homework last week. YIPPEY!! I just discussed it with my friends moments before the tests, so i surely still remembered the answers well enough. And we were allowed to open our books and notes! Huff.. What a relief.
But one hour of non-stop handwriting was such a PAIN!!! My left hand is still a little bit stiff right now :(
After the test i went home. And now i'm feeling so exhausted. I haven't sleep yet, really really tired. It's like you break into pieces guys. There's no passion at all shown on my face right now. I look like shit when i'm so tired like this. My eyes are so tired. They haven't took a rest at all. I'm so worry that my dark circles are getting worse. My left hand is still in pain because i had been writing things all day long :(. Whish i could use my right hand for writing...I could really use a reflexology therapy right now.
This isn't over yet guys, more tortures are coming this week. Today was just the beginning. Starting from tomorrow night, i'll be working on 4-days stream of goddamn laboratory reports: One of the most PAINFUL & TIRING work i've ever face in college life.. *yea rite..such a drama queen Hahaha.. I think i'll just deal with it. I can handle it. I'll rock it. There's nothing else i can do but to face it. Besides,

Saturday, October 25, 2008

what's your accent?

Yesterday i was browsing some videos on youtube. And i came across this cute video:
Haha, she's sweet isn't she? Typically american girl next door. But this isn't about the content of the video i want to share with you. It's the accent. American accent.
And you know what? Me and my sister have been talking in english like this, with THICK AMERICAN ACCENT and naturaly cool SLANG phrases, since i couldn't remember when. yea rite..
And maybe you would ask us how we "learned" it? Hmhm.. Nope, we didn't learn it from a course, we've never been to the US, nor studied in expensive International School (our parents couldn't afford something like that, and i think schools like that are only intended for rich people only, who would pay anything just to get their average kid into that not-that-great school actually), or even took a conversation class (and you expect to be fluent in English by attending a conversation class in a pathetic country like Indonesia? LOL!! get real!!) WE DON'T TAKE ENGLISH CLASS. We DON'T do courses, We just don't. Private courses are for those who need studying aid badly. Our parent's said we didn't need any. And they are so right. We're pretty smart actually. Duh!
Probably what have caused us to talk in such a COOL american-english like this is because of many influences we got from wonderful american pop cultures. Watching american TV shows, listening to radio (yea'a, living near singapore pays off you know??), songs, and maybe because we used to listen to lots of people having conversation in English since we were just little kids.. Geez, now i feel thankful for my actually not-that-bad past.
really? is it that cool? what's so great about being able to speak in english anyway? nothing special~
Yep, that's true for some of you, and for people who live in advance countries who have english as their main language. But i've been thinking, i sometimes actually feel a little bit pitty for my friends here who doesn't speak English at all. Or having a very little english fluency, that they actually go to private courses, and ended up with no significant improvement. Or can only speak in english in such a pathetic indonesian-english way. *haha what's an "indonesian-english" anyway?? hmm.. you know :p Moreover, i sometimes feel a little bit sorry for some people who speak english in a poor, thick indonesian intonation and lame accent.. :p Haha, kidding.. actually that's good for them. At least they've tried.. Chill! I don't mean to brag about anything here, just to write down my story today in English. And if you can understand this post clearly, good for you ;) You're good at english, or even way better than me :) What am i anyway?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Shit happens baby..

Was browsing my music library in my toshi-baby.. And i was a little bit shocked by the fact that I actually have so many mp3s n stuffs. Geez, i didn't even know i have these songs. A bunch of em. Maybe it waste half of my computer's memory..
Never mind.. I think i'll keep them. :p Hahaha.. So i effortlessly tried to organized them. Sorting albums, titles, singers, made some new folders, and stuffs. BORING. Man, what a lame work..
Eventually I came across Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway. And I was excited! Hey i love this! It's like i found something i haven't seen for years. Yeah, this album means a lot to me. One of my favorite albums. I remember i used to listen to this album everyday all day long when i was a high school student. Great times..
Then I played it.. Track by track...
Breakaway, Since U Been Gone, Behind These Hazel Eyes...
I did that sing-a-long thing.. Hella!! I still remember the lyrics!! Every song, line by line, perfectly, with no mistakes, and grammatically correct!! Yeah, i'm good at memorizing song lyrics.. Lectures note?? Ummm..
(continues squeaking lipsync, my style, yeah...)

And then the song changed, to the 4th single on that album, Because of You.. This song..

This song.. Was it some kind of flashback memory thingy strike me?
I remember those times, when i feel sad and lonely where i used to listen to this song (*teenage shitty problem, hah!). I remember exactly how i used to sing this song a little bit emotionally. Actually, i sang it in sort of hysterical way, sometimes a little bit dramatizing, screaming pathetically along with the high notes at the end of the last octave-raised chorus.. Almost crying (eww dude, what's the fucking problem?? me? almost crying?? get over it!!)

Shit.. i can't believe im telling you guys this, but i must confess, those days were sucks!! Yep.. there were this period in my life: where times were totally hard, everything was shit. And you felt like you were the unluckiest person in the world. You didn't know what's really happening on you. You just weren't sure what the reason was. And in every moment you were like being desperate. Problems countered. But you don't know exactly what those "problems" were. Felt like want to cry, although you didn't sure what were the causes. Being sad all the time. Faking a smile, tried to look tough. And the saddest part of all is you were like having nobody to talk to. Alone. Felt like your parents didn't even care, and no friends can't understand you. Your home were like hell. School were worse. You prayed to God for His help, but just didn't get the answer. Alone, completely lonely.

Man.. What an ear-irritating teenage drama
Now i'm remembering those time. Thinking over it. Did that really happen to me? Or am i just making up stories? Was it really that hard? Did i ever cry for real? Geez, how pathetic i was..
Anyway, i gotta tell you, i'm done with those hard times. I just eventually got over it. I realized that, actually my problems were normal. Yeah... there are this close friends of mine who share their stories. And from their stories, i somehow noted some similarities of my (past) problems with things their desperately dealt with too. And they made me realize some things: It turned out to be that my problems were normal for a teenager like me in that age. It was just a typically teenage problem. And now i'm feeling glad because it was a COMPLETELY NORMAL thing. And as i grew older, being more mature, i then realized that it was normal for a teenager having some kind of INSECURITIES at their time. Everybody surely will face their bad times. And facing it in a teenage period is a hard one. Yeah, for real.
Things are different now. Really-really different. Time can change everything. Yeah, you'll find more about life as you grow older *somebody slap me on my face please, cause i talk like shit right now.
Ulitmately, for teenagers, just dealt with your problems. No matter how hard your problems are, just get over it. Keep on rocking your life, there's a lot of things await for you in this wide world. Don't ever think about doing crazy things such as running-away, drugs, or worse: suicide. Ok, you can think of doing it, but don't even try to commit it ^^.
You're stronger than you seem. You're though. You're smarter than you think
Ok, I admit that this posting is totally pointless. From music-library-browsing thing, to kelly clarkson, then teenage-problem, to encouraging wise words from me. And I can believe I wrote down those shits.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bitch Inside

Looking back at my recent posts. I just realize how pretty bitchy i am (was, i hope). Saying rude things, fierce cynical look, and so on.. And you would never know how i regret those stupid things i've done. I'm so sorry. Really really sorry. I just couldn't help it. I just said it. Keluar aja gitu dari mulut gue. Gatel aja pingin ngejatuhin orang. I tought it was COOL. But after that i was feeling extremely MENJIJIKAN.. And now i'm asking to myself why did i ever do those thing? Being a BITCH and a JERK at the same time, both a BRILLIANT one.. Sick... Now i see myself as one of the MEAN GIRLS. More over, i think i'm REGINA GEORGE, the MEAN, THE BITCHIEST one!! *omg i'm so SICK!!! can't believe i'm depicting myself as a mean GIRL! seriously, i want to vomit right now.. Sniffs... anyway, i'm working hard to stop this bad habbit! Seriously i gotta stop. NOW. I know it's hard to stop a habbit. But i'll try to commit it. I swear. If THE PLASTIC could finally turned into sweet girl next door in the end, why can't i be a good person too? Man how i'm sick of being "the evil one", i don't want people to think of me as a mean person. And i'm gonna change people's point of view on me! And i hope that happens soon. I knew there's kind of ANGEL deep inside my soul, i just haven't found a way to unleash it. *give me a vomit bag please.. i want to puke!! Fictional Regina George is cool. Real one sucks!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Destructive Comment

I've been thinking about myself lately *cuihh..
Somedays ago i found this article, it was titled "20 mistakes a manager shouldn't do" or something like that. Trus gue baca point no.4...

4. Oftenlly give destructive comment Giving the employees too many harsh critiques. Oftenly destructive, unimportant, and sometimes it has no point other than to make other people mentally down...

Wooow... Another "ouch!!" for me. Jujur, [dulu, belom lama ini ding :p] gue sering banget ngeluarin komentar2 buat temen2, family, or siapa aja, yang sebenernya ga penting dan ga perlu gue keluarin. Contoh:
"Eww! What's with the outfit?"
(with my face expression depicting that's-totally-disgusting look)
"Bisa cepetan ga? Gue ga punya banyak waktu sama kalian nih~"
(usually with a satirical sneer)
"Oh, jadi ini kerjaan lu? Hmm.. lemme see..."
(dengan nada meremehkan)
Maybe some people think those comment are "moderate enough" or even "cool". Tapi ga jarang juga yang sampe sakit hati. Guys, I'm so sorry!!!
...O my god, I was such a jerk!...
I don't know if my other friends think those comment are "moderate", or even "cool", i don't even care. But seriously, gue ngerasa nyesel banget sesaat abis ngeluarin komen2 yang ga penting itu (i mean it). Beneran ga bisa dikontrol banget ya mulut gue?
Well, jujur aja, i said those things for reason. Mungkin karena emang tuh objek bikin gatel, guenya gatel pengen ngomentarin, momennya pas aja, ato emang gue lagi in bad mood mungkin?
But just after i said those rude words. I felt terribly guilty. Shit! Coba gue diem aja!
Thankfully, sekarang gue udah lumayan bisa mikir apa yang mo diomongin dulu. Bisa nyaring apa yang mau dikeluarin. Istilah anak elektro "Low Pass Filter" *what the?
Thanks to "one day of enlightenment" (vomitting)
Guys, jangan di contoh ya? I don't want anybody become (the old, bad, sarcastic) me...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wanna know the real you?

Somewhat a sequel from yesterday's post (",)?
(Masih makan siang)
Her: Lu ga suka orang seperti apa pete?
Me: [thinking for a while...] hmm... gue ga suka orang yang: egois, mau menang sendiri, pura-pura baik, sok penting
Her: Nah, itu elu!
Ouch! Bener-bener ngena banget. And I was like breaking into pieces. Langsung down ngedenger statement terakhir. Just after that, gue langsung mikir-mikir lagi. Astaga, ternyata gue selama ini orang yang seperti itu ya?
Guys, ternyata teori ini ada benernya juga. Kalo kalian mo tau kalian orang yang seperti apa, ask yourself orang seperti apa yang lu ga suka.
That's the real you deep inside. You just don't notice it yet.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Me Vs Cynicism

Friends, kemaren gue makan siang bareng one of my close friend in college, Ilma... And i did learn something... Check this out..

Gue: "Ma, apa sih yang ga lo suka dari gue?" Ilma: [bingung bentar. Kenape nih si peter tiba2 ngomong beginian. Tapi ga nyampe berapa detik langsung ngomong:] "BANYAK PIT!!" Gue: [agak down denger jawaban itu. menyesal telah bertanya. Tapi tetep pingin lanjut] "Haaa.. apaan ma?" Ilma: "Banyak! Gue tuh ga suka lu waktu lagi 'over' " Gue: "Over? over apaan?"

[gue juga lupa "over" apaan. tapi intinya kalo ga salah kayak gini]

Ilma: "Lu tuh kalo lagi ga suka sama seseorang keliatan banget tau!!" Gue: [air muka bingung, bibir + alis dikerutkan, belaga mikir] "Maksudnya?" Ilma: "Dari ekspresi muka lu pit. SINETRON ABIS." Gue: "Hhh.. sinetron? Kayak gini?"
[i gave her that typically i-don't-like-you look i often mimic from trashy Indonesian sinetron]

*mukanya kira-kira kayak stepmom-nya cinderella gini deh. Sebenernya jauh lebih pas kalo ngambil contoh dari sinetron.. contohnya "tangisan anak tiri", dll*

Ilma: "HAHAHA!! IYA! IYA! Tuh kayak gitu!!!" Gue: "..." Ilma: " Dari gesture tubuh lu juga keliatan banget! Apalagi nada bicara lu. SINIS ABIS!!!" Gue: [meresapi sebentar kata-katanya] "Abis gimana dong ma? Kan gue mungkin emang rada sebel sama tuh orang..." "Mo pura-pura baik juga.. gue ga jago..." Ilma: "Ya jangan pura-pura baik juga!!! KELIATAN BANGET BOONGNYA!!! Lu tu ga banget memaksakan senyum! hhh" Gue: "yaah.. gue kan berusaha sebagus mungkin faking it.." Ilma: "Ya ga usah maksa piiit.. Biasa aja."

Yah itulah intinya teman-teman... Dari conversation itu, gue jadi lebih mikir, ternyata kalo gue lagi ga suka sama orang keliatan banget ya?

Gue juga mikir, penggunaan kata-kata gue juga sering banget terlalu frontal buat seseorang. Kadang bisa nyakitin hati banget. Ternyata lidah lebih tajem dari pisau..

Dan itu ga hanya nyakitin satu orang saja. Mungkin aja orang lain disekitar gue yang ada saat itu juga bakal mikir, "Heee?? Apa-apaan sih si peter ini? Ga banget.."


[i mean it]


God what have I done??

Sebegitu menyebalkankah gue? Sumpah.. Gue serasa tersentuh abis ngobrol bareng Ilma tadi. It was like God's way of saying, "You see, pete? That's how annoying you are now. Change it."

Ok. Mulai sekarang gue akan berusaha bersikap baik; ramah (not the fake one); dan kalo lagi sebel sama orang, I'll try to act 'biasa-biasa' aja. Play it cool ;) I promise!

Sebel sama seseorang mungkin emang ga bisa kita hindari. But no matter how annoying that person is, just play it cool. If that person goes annoying even more, consult with your friends. They'll always help.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A song for you, 'being in love'-ers...

Sometimes I walk a little faster in the school hallway just to get next to you
Somedays I spend a little extra time in the morning just to impress you
Guess you don’t notice
Guess you don’t need this
Sad you’re not seeing what you’re missing
On the outside shying away
On the inside dying to say...
from: Hannah Montana, Rockstar
Guys (and galz),, remember those times when you had a crush on someone? Gue yakin kita semua pasti pernah ngalamin yang namanya naksir. Hihi..
Ah, coba kalian inget-inget lagi masa-masa itu. Waktu lu nemu seseorang di sekolah/kampus yang ga lu kenal sebelumnya, trus lu ngeliat tuh orang. And suddenly your heart just melted.. Ahh GUE NAKSIR DIA.. Kya!! Kyaa!! Seperti dipanah cupid gitu...
Pernah ga? Pernah dong pastinya...
I bet everyone pernah ngalamin hal seperti ini, even for the nerds and weirdos :p
And started just after that, you just couldn’t stop thinking about her.. Couldn't get her out of your head..
Pikiran lu mulai aneh-aneh, you suddenly started to imagining things..
Tiap kali lu ga sengaja ketemu dia di kampus, dunia ini serasa indaaah... aah.. trus lu berharap dia ngelirik lu.. (dan lu ngerasa dia ngelirik lu gitu, padahal kenal aja kagak :p)
Lu pingin tau namanya siapa..
Lu penasaran dia anak mana..
Lu jadi salting di depan dia.. ga berani nyapa, kalo mo nyapa, lu perlu ngeden dulu saking groginya.. Trus akhirnya ga berani nyapa karena takut dikira sok kenal..
You hoped that you’ll be seeing her again soon in school.. Berharap bisa sering ketemu..

Lu pingin tau kegiatan dia sehari-hari apa.. Seperti apa temen-temennya..

Bahkan mungkin lu bela2in nyari nomer hpnya, nyari friendsternya (trus ga berani view profilenya, ntar ketauan.. yaah, haha..) ym-nya, ato segala bentuk ajang social networking yang ada saat ini..
Mungkin lu pernah sampe ke tahap tepe2 juga? Sms dia? Ngasih gift? Try to impress her. Try to make her notice you?
Yaah, namanya orang lagi naksir berat. Apapun akan dilakukan, I guess..
Trus apa hubungannya sama lirik lagu diatas?? *apa yaa? gue juga ga tau.. yeeah :p
Lagu hannah montana diatas secara garis besar mo cerita beginian..
*Kenapa harus Hannah Montana??? teen pop banget sih lo pit!!! Hahaha, kalo emang suka honnoh montono so what?? :p i like her anyway.. although i don't know why i have to put her album cover here... -.-??
Dia (Hannah) naksir cowo' di sekolahnya. Trus pingin cowo' itu notice si hannah: kalo ketemu cowo itu di lorong sekolah, jalannya dicepetin, biar bisa jalan di deketnya gitu.. Trus klo tiap pagi dandan agak cantik biar si cowo'nya notice dia gitu.. Trus di verse 2 nya hannah berhayal seandainya hapenya bunyi, berharap itu sms dari cowo' itu, ngajak dia kencan..
Tapi sayangnya si cowo'nya ga terlalu notice dia.. Awww... kasian..
Pokoknya intinya dia pingin banget bilang ke cowok itu kalo dia (miley cyrus itu) yang sebenarnya adalah hannah montana (a rockstar..) suka cowok di sekolahnya itu, tapi ga berani..
Yah, typically tentang teenage love problem banget lah lagu ini.. Tentang naksir seseorang, perasaan suka yang dipendam, and stuffs like that.. Coba dengerin lagunya deh, nyari dimana gituu.. minta ke gue kalo ga punya..
Buat kalian yang lagi baca, trus lagi naksir seseorang..tapi ga kenal orang itu, pingin lebih deket ama dia, pingin bilang suka tapi ga berani.. Yah, gue recommend dengerin lagu2 macem gini deh.. Dengerin lagu yang setema sama perasaan kita saat ini tuh enjoyable banget loh!! Feelnya dapet aja gitu. Coba aja lu dengerin sambil nyanyi ampe histeris2 emosional sendiri gitu.. Asik ajah!! :p
Lu pasang lagu yang sama seharian sampe budeg pun kayaknya ga bosen2..

Yep, music is the best for every situations buat gue.. Pasti selalu ada lagu yang setema sama perasaaan kita..

Hahaha... buat kalian yang lagi punya crush sama seseorang.. good luck yah!! ;) Terserah lu mau give it a try, ato dipendam aja dalem hati sampe perasaan itu hilang sendiri,ato sampe ketemu gebetan baru.. :p

Too bad for the takens, ga bisa seenaknya crush2 sana sini...