Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Finding a Job

I’ve made a final decision that instead of continuing my study to a master degree, I am going to find a job first. Period. Sure it’s nice to have an even higher degree, a Master degree overseas, what kind of typical Indonesian student doesn’t want it? But I’ve come into a comfort settlement to not rushing into the – what I can think about it at the moment – unclear state of being prestigious by extending your last name with embel2 MT or MBA.

*righttt… I just haven’t found yet the true meaning of obtaining a master degree other than getting a slightly higher job position with a slightly higher paycheck. And, to be honest, I am somewhat quite tired of another years of study. 16 years of study, study, and study. I want to do something else! At least, that’s all I can think about it right now. What is the true meaning of a master degree anyway? I hope I’ll find it out someday*

This October, right before my graduation, there is this ITB Job Fair, held for 3 days. I of course don’t want to waste my chances of getting a job. So I printed like 10 résumés and was spamming like every company’s booth back there. LOL. I Look like a desperate jobseeker. A bad one.

Among all of the companies I applied to – most of them are technology based  companies – I nyelenehly applied to an unpredictable position at a company which seems totally unrelated with my background degree: A reporter for a local English newspaper. Why nyeleneh? Because most people would think why would an engineer, from a so-called top university, with a not too bad GPA, and some good technical experience get into journalistic world? What about those crazy 4 hard-working years?

Ah.. Screw you people. I can do anything I want. Who knows what future holds? Besides, those job applications are still on process, I don’t know which will be the one.


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