Friday, December 26, 2008

Veni Domine

Have heard about "Inspirational Moments 2"? It's a compilation album released by EMI records, some years ago (I think it was around late 90's, I was still a school kid back then).

I just found this long lost album when I browsed my friend's music, and coincidentally came across this thing.

Listening to these kind of "mystical" songs are somewhat mm.. "spiritual" *yearite~ And freak enough. LOL.

Anyway, I like this song, Veni Domine by Bara Basikova. It's a Latin song - cool huh? The lyrics are deep, about praise to the Lord. *Does this means that I'm a good Christian now? :p

Veni Domine - Bara Basikova


Deus meus in te confido

labia mea laudabunt te Jesu

agnus dei in te confido

audi voces te adorant, te precantes

animam meam levavi ad te

Benedictus tu coqnovisti me

te laudamus veni domine

Deus meus inte confido

defende nos ab hostibus Jesu

agnus dei in te confido

presta pacis incrementum, memento verbi

animam meam levavi ad te

Benedictus - miserere nobis

te laudamus veni domine

Deus meus in te confido

agnus dei qui tolis preccata mundi

sine te nihil est in domine

Jesu Christe, Redemptor omnium

te laudamus veni domine

And here's the English translation, credits to enbrethiliel


My God, I trust in You.

My lips will praise You, Jesus.

Lamb of God, I trust in You.

Listen, voices adore You, praying to you

I have lifted up my soul to You.

Blessed are You; You have understood me.

We praise You. Come, Lord!

My God, I trust in You.

Defend us from the enemies, Jesus.

Lamb of God, I trust in You.

Help the increase of peace. Remember Your word.

I have lifted up my soul to You.

Blessed One, have mercy on us.

We praise you. Come, Lord!

My God, I trust in You.

Lamb of God Who takes up the sins of the world.

Without You, no one is in the Lord.

Jesus Christ, Redeemer of all,

We praise you. Come, Lord!

source: lettersfromnz, enbrethiliel, ay_link

Thursday, December 25, 2008

2008 Christmas

It's Christmas people! So let me greet the world with a nice season's greetings:

Feliz Navidad, próspero año y felicidad!

(It means Merry Christmas, prosperous year and happiness!)

Actually this is the very first time for me to spend a Christmas moment without my family (mom, dad, sis, you all got my message didn't you?) Happy Christmas to you guys, and I really hope to see all of you next year -which means, a couple of weeks from now hoho-

Never mind, I actually enjoyed this year Christmas - except that homesick feeling, it's kinda tough actually :(.

I was emotionally - and spiritually - drawn when people sang that classic "Silent Night" Christmas song - with all the candles of course. First I thought it would be pretty lame, just as I always thought in those past years. I was like, oh come on, we're wasting fossil energy here~ can we just skip this song?

But that's not the case this year. I surprisingly enjoyed that private moment with God. Haha.. thank goodness, I finally got something from going to church :p

This year's Christmas message was mmm, about "Spare your time with God more often" or something like that. And believe me, I do really get the message. Seriously. Hope I can be a better person from now.

O yeah, I like that performance those vocal group in Church showed last night. The song was "My grown up Christmas list". I like the lyrics though. And the piano arrangement were good. I should give it a try sometimes. That is, next year! Hahah.

Owyeah, along with the Christmas spirit. I recently began to enjoy (again) this bond song, "Jingle Bell Rock". I was so mad about this song for a couple of days ago, and I tried to play the violin part. Hoho,, it's kinda easy actually. I love it :

The greetings today are -as usual- abundant. Especially from SMS. It's always like that when it comes to national holiday, or big even blabla... Still, I didn't get any from her.. (Huhu, like that will ever going to happen lol XD). Naah, I shouldn't expect to much about that...

Anyway, once again Merry Christmas to all of you! Send me some presents ok?? :p (babe, have you got my present??)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

"BHP: Making another huge gap between people and education?"

Why when it comes for our Government to make a major decision, controversies always emerge everywhere?

It is pathetic.

Our government doesn't place education at the first place. Although they have raised the number of educational grant, it's still not enough. We need much more than just 'small gifts'. People need a huge amount of long-term, continuous educational aid.

Unfortunately, We -here in Indonesia- have lots more problems than what our neighbors have. Our neighbors don't have to deal with famine, health issue, corruption, and lots other obstacles, difficulties that are constraining one's country to go forward.

I have met lots of people who are not as 'lucky' as me. Many of my friends on high school, junior high school, or even on elementary school, weren't lucky enough to continue their study. They ended up working instead. In fact, some of those 'unlucky' people might be way better than me, they got talent, they're pretty smart actually, and more hardworking. Unfortunately, finance is their constrain to achieve higher education.

In my view, education must be top prioritized, among others. Our government should really concern about this issue. We have to learn from other country. Consider Malaysia and some other countries. Schools are for free!

Education must be made accessible for all people (by term 'accessible', I refer to 'free' education. No more tuition fee!). At least for some generations. By doing such thing, I hope it will eventually build up such foundations, basics that are fundamental in order to escape people from poverty, taking our nation into the next level i.e. a more prosperous nation.

I say, BHP will somehow deteriorate many poor people's access to higher education: schools and educational institutions will suck up people's money to pay their operational costs, employees' wages, etc. Tuition cost will be sky rocketing! It's sad, considering only rich people will get a taste of college life, being a high-class worker, and live happily. While in the other hand, those 'unlucky' people will be more and more left behind, facing difficulties and obstacles in their attempt to get away from poverty.

Even though the government said that this BHP implementation won't affect much aspects, as we know, it is more easily said than done.

Ultimately, I personally can only hope, that this BHP-thing will came up with good impact for goodness sake.


Friday, December 12, 2008


Hehe, ini gue kutip dari milis, cool fact..

Luar biasa!!!

Pernahkah teman2 membayangkannya?


Pada waktu benda-benda angkasa ini diperbandingkan,


kita menjadi sadar betapa kecilnya bumi dan kita para penghuninya..


Jagad raya yang sangat besar


Dalam skala ini bumi kita tidak kelihatan lagi


Di sini matahari hanya sebesar debu!

Antares adalah bintang paling terang di angkasa. Jaraknya lebih dari 1000 tahun cahaya dari bumi.


Siapakah kita?

Apakah tujuan hidup kita?

Apa yang membuat hidup kita, manusia, berharga?

Masihkah kita bisa menepuk dada & berkata "inilah aku!"...??

Yah, intinya mo bilang, manusia itu tidak ada apa2nya lah dibanding alam semesta ini.



So what? Yaudah, biarin aja benda2 itu ada disana, somewhere out there. Kita sebagai manusia hendaknya menjalani hidup sebaik-baiknya. ... . Ya gitulah~

*Apa hubungannya dengan nepuk2 dada?? Hahah aneh banget sih pesannya.. Ato guenya yang kurang sensitif ya??

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Hari terakhir kuliah

Hari ini hari terakhir gue kuliah di semester 5. Cepet banget ya?
Perasaan gue, kemaren baru masuk kuliah bulan agustus, eh minggu depan udah UAS.
Trus gue bertanya-tanya, apa sih yang gue kerjain 5 bulan ini?
Coba gue inget. Hmm, yang jelas bulan2 awal kuliah kemaren (agustus-september) pikiran gue masih ngambang, masih kebawa suasana liburan.
Paling yang lumayan bikin gue sibuk adalah PAB ISO'08. Hehe yah, meskipun gue bukan pj, tapi teteup aja ikut2an sibuk.
trus, bulan september-oktober itu. Wuah, jenuh banget ah pokoknya. Dari yang bawaan kuliah nyantai, tiba2 gue diserang ama setumpuk tp + praktikum yang segambreng.. T__T
Hiks2, masih inget gue ngerjain tp JARTEL pertama kali, 20 soal, 6 halaman, tulis tangan, begadang.. Yep ppl, kehidupan praktikum udah mulay. Dan laporan2 (yang paling gue eneg) itu mesti gue kerjain. Dan itu bukan apa2, waktu akhir september (apa oktober awal ya?), gue pernah 4 praktikum seminggu. Awalnya gue ngerasa, ahh, sepertinya biasa2 aja, bisa lah~
Yah, ternyata, bener2 exhausting, 4 hari 4 malem bgadang, ngerjain laporan, bikin high quality bacot. That was the worst week ever so far.
Yah, disela2 waktu itu gue juga mesti ikut latian ISO, orkestra saya di kampus. Every night, 5-9pm. Kalo dipikir2, ngapain gue nyape2in diri ikutan begituan di tingkat 3 yah? Ditengah-tengah praktikum yang menyiksa ini. Belum lagi itu jaman2nya UTS pula. Argh, waktu itu bener2 sibuk, tepar, berat lah.
Dan ternyata, gue emang bukan manusia super. Hiks2. Gue ternyata ga sehebat orang2 itu, yang meskipun sibuk, nilainya teteup okeh. Bisa diliat dari nilai UTS gue yang biasa-biasa aja, jauh berbeda dari tingkat 2 dulu, dimana kehidupan sangat tenang, pelajaran gampang, praktikum ecek2, ISO rada nganggur, dan tentunya nilai2 UTS gue waktu itu lumayan bagus.
Sekarang semua udah selesai. No more praktikum, no more latihan ISO, konser udah selesai, ga ada lagi tepar2an.
UAS minggu depan nih pren.. Yang gue bisa lakukan hanyalah mengejar materi. Minggu depan ada PIE, medan, & RPL. Tiga-tiganya ngambang, ngertinya setengah2.
Mari bertobat, i still got few days to catch up..